Apr06/10: This symbol is from Signs and Symbols. Being with it in prayer will provide an overwhelming feeling of calm and safety. Also, the
symbol is a very powerful tool to use in helping disaster areas heal quickly and experience much higher levels of vibration after each disaster event,
The rest of this webpage examines the 'long cycle' period of 248,000 years... the time required for our galaxy to make one complete revolution. The current cycle ends on December 21,
2012. We will reunite with our 'Heartcentric Space Brothers and Sisters' before the new long cycle starts our Magic Future.
Webpage updated Nov01/10
This webpage is a 'roll of information'... a scroll of "dot connecting" sections. After choosing a subject of interest, simply scroll down to
the section number.
******************** CONTENTS ******************* |
Section |
Brief Description |
Date |
1 |
Introduction |
First Contact & resulting Magic Future after the return of our 'Space Brothers and Sisters' |
Jan16/10 |
2 |
We are all
many of one |
Energy for change growing worldwide; life in Heaven; the soul, soul reunions; prayers; universal law of attraction; karma; Earth humankind origin; direct connection
God; ET helpers |
3 |
Choice of
Planet A or B |
'What will be' continues, until we change it |
Aug17/10 |
4 |
4th thru 7th Dimensions |
The types of experiences available in the 4th through 7th dimensions |
5 |
We have not
been Alone |
The 280,000 years old origins of humans |
Apr24/10 |
6 |
Disclosure |
Official recognition of friendly ET's by U.S. Government
delayed again |
7 |
Understanding First Contact Issues |
Comprehensive understanding of First Contact from off planet |
8 |
Pre First Contact |
Beyond typical UFO Sightings of prior 6 decades |
9 |
First Contact |
"From Within" started May 1/2, 2010 |
Nov01/10 |
10 |
Magic Future |
Living from Planet A |
Aug17/10 |
The return to Love and 'ONE ness', will include the on-planet & visible return of our 'Space Brothers and Sisters'... our
true kith and kin (billions). Most of the "ETs" (trillions) do not qualify as our kith & kin... because they do not
yet choose Being within Love and 'ONE ness'. Some of our true kith & kin have recently been
described by Sheldan Nidle on his website... http://www.paoweb.com/updates.htm.
Ready for First Contact?
Meet the Team
Lyrans [Shama’an] improve their environment; best diplomats; first human star nations; mediators between human star nations and non-human sentient beings
Centaurians [Zamaya] the administrators, very organized; very intense, efficient managers; analytical nature; they get the job done
Pleiadeans [Shala’am] interact with their environment; galactic historians; environmental scientists; developed time travel because of their historic curiosity
Sirians [Selamat Ja!] absorb their environment; the spiritual healers; service-oriented; laid back; exploring joy and playing games
Herculeans [Selama’at Jara!] great psychologists; experts at Fluid Group Dynamics; problem solvers; goal-oriented
Andromedans [Acharaya] best scientific innovators; developed replicators and space craft propulsion systems; most diverse culture; known throughout galaxy for ritual chants
A five minute video clip sharing how each of the above says 'hello'... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDe3ecHShl4.
We are all many of one: .
Norway phenomenon ET produced; Obama; energy for change growing worldwide; life in Heaven; the soul, soul reunions; prayers; universal law of attraction; karma; Earth humankind origin; whales;
animal evolution; message from 9/11 souls; love, fear; convictions create; peace coming; direct connection with God; synchronicity; ET helpers http://www.galacticchannelings.com/english/matthew17-12-09.html.
Choice of Planet A or B:
From the Home webpage... Question 14) "What 'will be' will be" is not true. An accurate statement is "What will be continues, until we change it". We change things by changing
our agenda, choices and attention.
This 101 page on-line document comes from information shared by "Cosmic Awareness" during 2008 and 2009. The information is consistent
with Love and 'ONE ness'... and provides many many details. We all have choices for a unique set
of experiences... no exceptions... http://www.transactual.com/cac/2012.pdf.
Aug16/10: The Planet AB configuration started July 31st 2010... after a 21 year gestation period.Planet A will separate from Planet B no later than Winter Solstice
The eight Fibonacci harmonic dates between July 31st 2010 and December 21st 2011 are...
- 2.1%, August 10, 2011
- 3.4%, August 17, 2010
- 5.6%, August 28, 2010
- 9.0%, September 14, 2010
- 14.6%, October 13, 2010
- 23.6%, November 27, 2010
- 38.2%. February 10, 2011
- 61.8%, June 9, 2011
You may feel tired and/or different at/near these dates (2 days plus or minus)...
the differences are simply a result of your personal expansion process into higher vibrations.
Do not anticipate a return to the normalcy of lower vibrations environments. Each harmonic date signals an even higher plateau in vibration levels.
You may find yourself starting to reduce the vibration lowering aspects in your life ... More within Distractions, Section 31, Home webpage
You may find yourself starting to increase the vibration raising aspects in your life ... More within Attention, Magic Word 11, Magic Words webpage
You will find yourself changing choices in your life ... More within choices,
Magic Word 13, Magic Words webpage
Aug17/10: A 'Physical First Contact' will no longer be necessary for Planet A, unless the Planet AB Separation process requires temporary
evacuation for people in the process of 'moving to Planet A'.
Aug17/10: Right NOW we can day dream our way to Planet A.
- Day dream with Love in your heart and nothing on your mind
- Allow it happen
- Whenever your mind tries to take control ...
- ... simply love the thoughts... never try to analyze them.
Children day dream all the time... we all hold the experience of once being a child.
- Sleep with Love in your heart and nothing on your mind.
- Whenever your mind tries to take control ...
- ... simply love the thoughts... never try to analyze them.
4th thru 7th Dimensions:
Dec08/09 posting of David Wilcock's Dec06/09 long article including disclosure, 'who plays who' and the types of experiences available in the 4th through 7th
dimensions... http://www.galacticchannelings.com/english/disclosure.html.
We have not been Alone:
Jan04/09 hijacked UK broadcast in 1977... 1977 message
from Vrillion.
Aug08/09 video disclosing part of NASA's participation in massive 60 year cover-up of Star Beings (1:07 hrs) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ngvIP0Za9M&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fprojectcamelot%2Eorg%2Findex%2Ehtml&feature=player_embedded.
Aug17/09 Project Camelot radio interview with Michael Tellinger discussing the 280,000 years old origins of humans as described by the 60 square mile Adams Calendar site in
South Africa (2 hours including skippable commercials) http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Project-Camelot-32k-072809.mp3.
Dec10/09 Michael Tellinger with more history and pictures about Adams Calendar ... http://www.galacticchannelings.com/english/abzu.html.
Apr24/10 Project Camelot February 2010 video interview with Bob Dean discussing on and off planet activities and why we are heading for some bumps and then a "glorious
future". http://projectcamelotproductions.com/interviews/bob_deanIII/bob_deanIII.html
Official recognition of friendly ET's by U.S. Government or another major world government was delayed again http://www.galacticchannelings.com/english/mike21-12-09.html.
Understanding First Contact Issues;
Nov21/09 posting of Matthew Ward's Nov/19/09 message to his mother Suzy... comprehensive understanding of First Contact from off planet (Hatonn's part of the
... also includes Energy of anticipation; ET disclosure TV program, background; "V," "2012" and other fear tactics; illness in Ukraine; power of love; god/goddess soul essence; children's bodies
3D to 4D; intuition, thoughts; duality's challenges; soul contract, pre-birth agreement.
Dec23/09 posting from Sheldan Nidle... another point of view consistent with Hatonn's comments posted Nov21/09. http://www.galacticchannelings.com/english/sheldan22-12-09.html
Pre First Contact:

Dec12/09: From the Galactic Channelings link... "Something ABSOLUTELY EXTRAORDINARY happened today, December 9, 2009 which I know is a portentous sign of GREAT global
changes of unprecedented magnitude now underway that will significantly transform our world and our experience of life in many wonderful ways, especially for those of us who pray/meditate/demand from
our hearts and souls that such changes are globally implemented for the highest good of all."
Dec14/09: Another view on the Norway Spiral... http://www.realitysandwich.com/thoughts_norway_spiral

Dec20/09: More on the Norway Spiral... The most profound sign yet from our brothers and sisters in other civilizations that the time is nearing
for their presence to be properly acknowledged-there is no way that those who do not want that to happen can explain away this dramatic sign....http://www.galacticchannelings.com/english/matthew17-12-09.html
First Contact:
Nov01/07: Latest reasonable First Contact date to avoid 'event compression' is October 31, 2010... an earlier date is possible... and hopeful.
The latest possible date is September 17, 2012.
May 3rd 2010: "From Within" First Contact started May 1/2, 2010 (depending on physical location in relationship to the International Dateline). As a point of planetary
reference, "From Within" started at 7 PM, MDT on May 1st, 2010.
- This timely start avoids 'event compression' and provides enough 'time' for each person to raise their vibrations by Winter Solstice 2012. Raising Vibrations webpage
There will be 5 basic groupings associated with First Contact:
- "From Within", pre May1/2, 2010 Start
- "From Within", pre Physical First Contact
- First 91 Days after Physical First Contact
- Not easily convinced by the external evidence of Physical First Contact
- Not yet interested in raising vibrations and ascension
Nov01/10: "From Within" First Contact started May 1/2, 2010 as described earlier within this section. The 508 day period for raising vibrations started on July 31st 2010. The planet
of higher vibrations is Planet A... to get there, simply live the 3 A's full time... Allow, Align & Adapt. The two most
difficult portions of 'allow' are to 'forgive yourself and others' and to 'let go' of all that does not travel to Heart.
Magic Future:
The Magical Future for those choosing the return to 'ONE ness'.
Current Reality |
Planet A |
Planet A |
Planet B |
7 "Let Go's" |
1 |
War / stress |
Peace |
2 |
Chaos |
Harmony |
3 |
Competition |
No chaos |
Cooperation |
4 |
Suffering |
No sacrifice |
Joy |
5 |
Lack |
No lack |
Abundance |
6 |
Fear |
Love |
7 |
Dogma |
No fear |
Truth |
8 |
Believing |
Knowing |
9 |
Doubt |
No judgment |
Calm |
10 |
Judgment |
Compassion |
11 |
Heaviness |
No suffering |
Laughter |
12 |
Separation |
No separation |
'ONE ness'
(Connection) |
Aug17/10: There are no anomalies on Planet A. For example the bible starts with Adam and Eve about 6000 years ago. Clearly there is
overwhelming evidence that people have been on earth for over 175 million years. Only considering the last 6000 years and ignoring the clear evidence of earlier events is 'living
with anomalies'.
There are no anomalies on Planet A... all the way back to before the beginning of
This picture of The Most Distant X-Ray
Jet is a way to visualize the tremendous
strength of Love and
'ONE ness'.
(Picture from www.nasa.gov.)
A jet plane breaking through the sonic
an actual sonic boom... a picture of sound.
(Picture from ww.nasa.gov.)
This is a website about Heart... a combination of Spiritual and Science... but well beyond either Spiritual or Science. No religious bias is intended or