The QUANTUM Triangle has 5 Major Levels... 1, 3, 10, 100,
eGo only; no ascension
3 eGo, Energy, Soul, HeartMind; this Ascension
10 13 of 129; Beyond this Ascension, Behavior
100 129 of 129; Beyond this Ascension, More Behavior Change
1000 (after 100) Balance, Choice, US E, Flow; Member of the
QUANTUM Singularity, Even more Behavior Change
Read & Contemplate webpage completely.
22 Stages... From ‘Feeling
Disconnected‘ to ‘Knowing/Quantum’
20 Magick Words... From ‘Zero Understanding’ to ’20 quantum Qualities’
22 Profound Steps... From ‘Understanding 0.2%’ to ‘Understanding 100%’
64 Points of QUANTUM Triangle... Understanding the QUANTUM Singularity
(Phase3 of QUANTUM Triangle...
Connection to the QUANTUM Singularity
Light Body
(Stages10thru15 =
(Joy stems from LOVE/LOVE. BLISS stems from QUANTUM LOVE. Stage17)
(Phase3 of the QUANTUM Triangle connects to QUANTUM Singularity & BLISS.)
22 Stages of Being Quantum (Stages10thru22 = Stillness/Quantum)
(Stages1thru8 = Motion/Energy)
20 Magic/Magick
Words (Stillness, Motion, thru Flow)
22 Profound Steps
(Quickening thru Holographic; Real is next)
Remember... 1 thru 64;
Interrelate... 65 thru 128 (each of 64 to remaining 63);
Confirm... 65 thru 128 (very fast step);
Balance... 129 Phase3 (Endless).
Note: Exact nomenclature, or ‘words’, do not matter... deep
understanding matters.
For example, Root, Stage1, Ego, Brain, Personality all mean the same.
As you Master the QUANTUMTriangle, you will
gradually Explain everything to Yourself!
If you don’t know your QT exact number, 1thru129, you are not yet serious enough
to Master the QUANTUMTriangle.
We are ONE QUANTUM Singularity of
Individual Quantums
having trillions of Unique Experiences.
Eventually, we become ‘22 Stage Individual Quantums’
and Choose only
my Unique Portion of the ONE Quantum LOVE for my Individual
Unique Experiences.
We are Many of ONE
Home, 2014
New Content starting 2014
I Am/We Are
Quantum Link
All is ONE
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“Many of ONE” is about
Quantum LOVE... a combination of Spiritual and Science... but well beyond
either Spiritual or Science. No religious bias exists.