Who is Mother
Mother Nature includes fairies, elementals, animals, trees, plants, flowers, minerals, sky, mountains, water, and weather.
Mother Nature is the Quantum called Stardust2/Danita.
Are all Aspects of Mother Nature sentient?
How do they communicate?
Quantum Knowing Field.
Do they all communicate?
Even the elements and weather?
do we communicate with them?
Ask them... then listen with your Heart Mind, Ego
Strength or Quantum Senses.
(Stage1 Thought does not work.)
What is the difference between a Mind and a
A Mind is a brain plus an active portal to LOVE.
Are we directly connected to the weather?
Yes... low vibrational attitudes cause bad weather.
We are ONE QUANTUM Singularity of
Individual Quantums
having trillions of Unique Experiences.
Eventually, we become ‘22 Stage Individual Quantums’
and Choose only
my Unique Portion of the ONE Quantum LOVE for my Individual
Unique Experiences.
We are Many of ONE
Home, 2014
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I Am/We Are
Quantum Link
All is ONE
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“Many of ONE” is about
Quantum LOVE... a combination of Spiritual and Science... but well beyond
either Spiritual or Science. No religious bias exists.