Commentary starts on October 10, 2008 or 10/10/10.Provides commentary regarding living from Heart, ways to better Health, and preparation for 2012 ... plus another 1,000 days... into September 17th 2015.Webpage updated Jul1811 This webpage is a 'roll of commentary'... a scroll of "dot connecting" information. The most recent commentary is near the bottom. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Commentary(Each entry is similar to a new Section.) 20081 (10/10/10) (October is the 10th month, 2008 = 10) World Markets have started to decline in a big way. (Note: They continued that decline into March 2009.)2 (Nov/01) 11/1 + 2008=10 or four ones a very powerful gateway for new beginnings. 11/11/2008 is five ones ... 11/01/2009 are five ones ... 1/11/2009 are six ones! The ones are signaling a 375 day period of new beginnings. Much of history will not repeat itself... including the behavior of possible safe/rewarding investments.3 (Nov/25) 'ONE ness' is on the upswing... duality ("TWO ness") is on the downswing. World economies, stock markets and many large institutions like AIG, 'Big Three' Autos and Citibank are not structured for ONE ness and no longer appear as vital and healthy. These downswing changes are consistent with the 375 day period of new beginnings started Nov/01/08.4 (12/12) 12/12 (Dec12) every year is a major moment to receive timely Inspiration. Be with yourself, feeling nothing but Un-conditional Love for at least 91 seconds to receive. (Loveand Inspiration are 2 of the 20 Magic Words).
20095 (5/5) ONE ness continues to emerge... duality ("TWO ness") continues to implode. Stock markets are not necessary when ONE ness becomes well established.... There are many views on the state of the economy and stock market... after the 1929 highs in jobs and stock prices, 14 years were required for jobs to recover to the 1929 levels... 25 years for stock prices. "Patience is a virtue."... Our possible future? A 26 year old 'crystal child' basically holds the same viewpoint as Many of ONE... most of which is in the last 15 minutes of this 52 min. November 2008 video interview by Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot. (May/24) Medicine is toxic! Body toxicity eventually causes death (see 'TAFFY'). This 4:45 min. May 8th 2009 video by Jenny Thompson, Director, National Institute for Health Sciences provides one example. (Google search on 'acetaminophen Tylenol liver toxicity' produced about 114,000 results.) (6/6) Treat yourself to a touch of Joy with this 4 min video. and how about this 6 min video to share how major change is underway around the world? !!! (Jun/18) Some of the players and events positioning us for 2012... 6 min video. (Jun/25) Michael Jackson and Farah Fawcett both transitioned today... icons for Loveand Beauty. Michael helped to write this song about 'One ness' and to 'start giving' to each other. (7/7) ONE ness continues to emerge... duality ("TWO ness") continues to implode. The one remaining major cornerstone of our past has been destroyed... that cornerstone being the long term safety of bonds and preferred stock as happened in the cases of both GM and Chrysler...... enjoy the 'new ness' of our return to Love and 'ONE ness'! There are only 1263 days remaining until 12/21/12.11 (Jul/08) Dr. Brian O'Leary, Nobel Laureate, with a historical scientific perspective and the importance of quickly adopting new beginnings (20min audio only). (8/8) The US GDP has now declined for 4 consecutive quarters. 3Q 2009 GDP is forecasted to grow... but jobs are still declining.Sustainable wealth comes only from secure non-temporary jobs... investments can decline, savings can be depleted... borrowings can reach maximum credit limits. "Patience remains the virtue" least until the GDP and jobs have both grown for 4 consecutive quarters.13 (Aug/25) If you find any current or upcoming event fearful, you will not be affected if you Choose to immediately replace your fear with Un-conditional Love. Fear comes from mind/ego... Un-conditional Love comes from Heart.14 (9/9/09) On this day, a Google search for 'vaccines causing 1918 pandemic' returned about 4,420,000 results. Vaccines are toxic... that is why some people die from vaccines... and why today's search produced millions of results. More than forty (40) 'Self Help' tools shared on the Health webpage... including MMS for flu.Project Camelot interviews Jane Bürgermeister regarding the vaccines to be released during October 2009 (55 min) (9/11) A list of Galaxies within 20 million light years... some of our neighbors. (Sep/16) (57 min) "Viv from Venus", abductions and much more (if choosing to watch all 57 min). Notice the Heartcentric Love present among the 3 on camera people even when discussing potentially non-loving information (like Cheney, Obama, reptilians, 911). (Sep/22) (2:01 hr) During his 2 hr presentation in Los Angeles on Sunday Sep/20/2009, Alex Collier (Andromeda abductee) states that H1N1 Vaccine will permanently damage your DNA. This is basically the same vaccine related message posted above on 9/09/09 from another source.The entire 2 hr presentation is an excellent summary of commonly unknown but important information directly and shortly effecting our future as we approach the inevitable and uplifting Heartcentric transition caused by direct alignment with our Galactic Center on December 21, 2012 For those who choose to view this shared information from Heart, there is a positive scenario... it resonates as true and produces an uplifting experiencebecause the information is no longer secret.If you would prefer a more scientific approach to December 21, 2012 being a major event in our near future, David Wilcock presented for 2:38 hr on the same day... from NASA to crop circles and more (10/10) Many are finding "Letting Go" difficult. The key is Love. From pleasure to pain... if you choose to 'Let go' of a specific item or pain (and eventually the dis-ease causing the pain)... simply 'turn on' your Un-conditional Love. The item will immediately/eventually dissolve back into to pure Love. The more pure the Love the faster the results.19 (Oct/22) (2:49 hr) Jordan Maxwell shares information from his 48 years of investigating hidden agendas. This information may be uncomfortable..., For those who choose to view this shared information from Heart, there is a positive scenario... it resonates as true and produces an uplifting experience because the information is no longer secret.20 (Nov/01) Significant changes have taken place since November 1st, 2008... the day we entered the gateway for new beginnings one year ago. (See Commentary entry above.) This 375 day period ends in 11 days on 11/11/11. Bottom line... 'ONE ness' remains on the upswing... duality ('TWO ness') continues to collapse... paving the way for those choosing#5 return to the Heartcentric#10 way of Being#17...... and how about this 6 min video to share how major change is underway around the world? !!! (Nov/06) Today the U.S. Jobless Rate increased to 10.2%. From the May 5th, 2009 Commentary (above) "There are many views on the state of the economy and stock market... after the 1929 highs in jobs and stock prices, 14 years were required for jobs to recover to the 1929 levels... 25 years for stock prices. "Patience is a virtue."22 (11/11/11) (November is the 11th month, 2009 = 11) Today ends the 375 day period of new beginnings starting Nov/01/08. Many of ONE is celebrating by introducing 'The Magic Symbol'. The symbol is presented as it might appear on a cave wall because the information is timeless and eternal. (More information is shared within the new Magic Symbol section... just below 'Benefits of Many Visits section' on this page. This is the 11th consecutive update in 11 days... four additional '1s'... for a total of 10!23 (Dec/01) Fast approaching worldwide economic speed bump including reasons & players. Fulford has a 'full spectrum' background... choice to navigate the 'speed bump' is to surf it by holding no fear and using Inspiration#18, resonance#19 and flow#20 for navigation.201024 (Jan11/10) A '3 of 21' Date Fractal happens on March 5, 2010... and a '4 of 10' Date Fractal on May 19, 2010. This first clustering in 25,917 years of two major Date Fractals signal a "beyond historical game changing" event during 2010. (Many of ONE website posting on Jan/10/2010) ... more on 2012 webpage. 25 (Feb23/10) MMS gains traction... some of the people working with Jim Humble identify themselves... success/reach is growing... roles are expanding... including free energy devices... (Mar07/10) Two days after the '3 of 21' Date Fractal, there are already early signs of accelerating change... on March 6th, the "Ring of 5 Pearls" surfaced via this website. On the 7th, a woman won the Academy Awards Oscar for Best Director (82 year history of only men winners). Her film, "Hurt Locker" cost about 15 million to produce, with 21 million earnings. Her ex-husbands 3D film, "Avatar" cost about 350 million to produce, with 2.5 billion earnings. Post Date Fractal change is already visible!27 (Jun10/10) The first commentary in this series (October 10th 2008) mentioned the world markets had started to decline. This decline continued into March 2009. Since then, this period of "speed bumps" has continued to pause then accelerate... pause then accelerate.The potential for First Contact and Ascension started March 5th 2010 as we passed the first Date Fractal of the cluster. The Joyous Process started within the highest 3 levels of experience (Pure Love, Love in Form, and Multidimensional) on May 2010 at 7 PM MDT.Now, two cross currents... 1) The decline of duality... 2) The rise of Joy... are causing an acceleration of intensity from "speed bumps". The Iceland Volcano and Gulf Oil spill are two recent examples.Question: What can any of us do?