Most recent chapters from Research webpage.
Webpage updated Jan02/10
This webpage is a 'roll of information'... a scroll of "dot connecting" sections. After choosing a subject of interest, simply scroll down to
the section number.
******************** CONTENTS ******************* |
Section |
Title |
Date |
1 |
Chapter 101 |
Those Coming, Other, Those Present |
Nov01/08 |
2 |
Chapter 100 |
"X-Factor" and October 14, 2008 |
Oct15/08 |
3 |
Chapter 99 |
"Let go and walk in Love and Beauty" |
Oct10/08 |
4 |
Chapter 98 |
October 14, 2008, Planned First Contact |
Sep25/08 |
5 |
Chapter 97 |
First Contact Preliminary on October 14, 2008 |
Sep03/08 |
6 |
Chapter 96 |
Healing, health & Ascension |
Jul22/08 |
7 |
Chapter 95 |
What you can do to choose and
prepare for Ascension |
Jul04/08 |
8 |
Chapter 13 |
Relationships, including Twin Rays & Soul Mates |
Dec19/03 |
Those Coming, Other, Those Present, Chapter 101
'Those coming': In addition to the Sirians (masculine energy), Pleiadeans (feminine energy, tall
blonds) and Venusians’ (informational energy) mentioned by Mike (below)... I know of some other key players among 'those coming'...
Starship Capricorn (Hatonn, regeneration stations, Fixers, Mantis Group), Arcturian’s (healing specialists), Orion’s (Aelena, ancient
Egypt, spaceship logistics... think FAA), Andromedans (closest galaxy), Mantis Group (warriors, Saratzar/Maratzar, Praying Mantis DNA
Form), Pixar Group (technicians, builders, Ant DNA Form). 'Those coming' have the most advanced technologies... many of which are
actually sentient... and have not been openly visible on-planet for thousands of years... and have never been part of abductions,
mutilations and other fear causing activities.
Other: Elemental Universe (Kalimar, direct relationship to our Mineral Kingdom), Fire Universe (create,
transition), , Crystal Universe (information, libraries, Liquid Crystal at the Crystal University is a helpful mental transformational tool), Right Hand
Universe (chaos, free will/choice, our Solar System, very low level of vibration), Parallel Universe (to ours with order replacing chaos, even lower level
of vibration), Left Hand Universe (basically all Love & Light, very high level of vibration), Crisis Christ
(GCB who will instantly remove 'our immediate chaos' by sending the chaos thru a black hole), 24 Ancients (Original Source for our Right Hand, Parallel and
Left Hand Universes).
'Those Present': Then there are the 'Great Connected Beings' (GCB's)... beyond form, most beyond name, simply
of Love and Light. (Light springs from Un-Conditional
Love.) Then there are the 'Points of Origin' (POO's)... beyond form, beyond name, beyond Light,
simply from/of Stillness... all intra-connected by Un-Conditional Love. The collective
of GCB's and POO's could also be called our Highest Self... This is the part
of 'All That Is' where coincidences and synchronicities are arranged... and our primary source
for Inspiration exists.
The common connection among GCB's and POO's is Un-Conditional Love. On the broadest/grandest of scales, the only common thread
within Stillness and motion is Un-conditional
Love, Stillness and motion (all Creations)
are All That Is. As the Beatles sing, Love is All There Is...
When we simply choose to "Let go and walk in Love and Beauty", 'Those
Present' become inter-related and active at our personality level ('mind/ego'). In fact, we can make any choice and 'Those
Present' are still inter-related and active... we just might not be fully aware.
From below:
"(1) Your level of consciousness is creating for you a reality that is in line with your expectations. It is why there is so much controversy and diverse opinions
amongst you all. Your intent and desire move you forever onwards, and if it leans towards the energies of the dark you create at that level. If your consciousness is aligned with the Light and truth,
you create accordingly.
(2) An ongoing battle between the Light and dark has been talking place for eons of time. In your present cycle, you are now opening up to the Light more than at any
earlier time, and it (Light)has become well established upon Earth.
(3) Within the hearts of so many more souls the Light is growing, and is being continually drawn to Earth with the consequent upliftment of the vibrations.
(Measured by X-Factor... how to approximate is at
(4) Over the years our approach to you has been one of caution, and gradually we have been able to overcome the natural fear that people have of off world Beings. Our craft
continue to show themselves with more frequency, and even in greater numbers. Many have come to accept us, and have moved beyond the archetype promoted by your fiction writers and moviemakers. The
dark still try to create a fearful image of us, and we have avoided any confrontation with them although they incessantly try to shoot down our craft.
(5) There is no turning back although you may stay within the existing vibrational level if you so desire. You are in a freewill Universe that the Creator has given for
your experience, and now it is time to move on with the opportunity to leave the cycle of duality behind. There are no recriminations against those who have desired to play the dark
(6) I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and along with the Pleiadeans and Venusians’ are very much like you in appearance. After all, you are genetically linked with us and we have
more in common than you might imagine. Many of you are aware of other humanoid forms, and these are simply variations that are more suited to the different planetary conditions. Bodies are vehicles
that house your soul for the duration of your time in any one environment. ." ~htL~ Peter
A42 T5 6193 ----- Original Message ----- From: Mike Quinsey Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 2:18 AM
SaLuSa 27-October-2008
Your level of consciousness is creating for you a reality that is in line with your expectations. It is why there is so much controversy and diverse opinions amongst you all. Your intent and desire
move you forever onwards, and if it leans towards the energies of the dark you create at that level. If your consciousness is aligned with the Light and truth, you create accordingly. An ongoing
battle between the Light and dark has been talking place for eons of time. In your present cycle, you are now opening up to the Light more than at any earlier time, and it has become well established
upon Earth. Looking around you at the chaotic happenings you would think otherwise, but that is only the outer appearance of change. Within the hearts of so many more souls the Light is growing, and
is being continually drawn to Earth with the consequent upliftment of the vibrations.
It is a time to hold fast in your beliefs, and not be deterred or distracted by the final struggles of the dark forces to hold onto power. They are losing control and destined to collapse in the very
near future. There is no going back for them and although they refuse to recognize defeat, they can no longer command the support that they previously enjoyed. They seek to destroy the old structure
of control and replace it with measures that increase their power, but in fact they will be unable to do so. They have been instrumental in bringing about their own demise, and are in their death
throes. Be assured that they talk big and loud, but behind that façade they are deadly worried as they are losing their power and influence.
Your Presidential Election this time will give a true result of people’s votes, and you will get a new President who reflects the desires of the people. It will bring an opportunity to restore sanity
and good sense, to lift up out of the darkness that has engulfed the whole world. America will once again become a country that others will look up to, and be able to trust. However, those changes
will take time, but will be birthed by a new approach that puts the people first. High on the agenda is the restoration of your Constitution, and help for those who have been trodden down by the
erosion of their rights. The Light will return to uplift all those people who have given up hope, and at present see no future for Mankind. You are soon to see worldwide changes and a new energy will
sweep through every country, and Man will come together as never before. It will prepare the way for our coming, and enable us to officially announce our intention to openly contact you.
Over the years our approach to you has been one of caution, and gradually we have been able to overcome the natural fear that people have of off world Beings. Our craft continue to show themselves
with more frequency, and even in greater numbers. Many have come to accept us, and have moved beyond the archetype promoted by your fiction writers and moviemakers. The dark still try to create a
fearful image of us, and we have avoided any confrontation with them although they incessantly try to shoot down our craft. The dark know that their game is up, and we represent your main hope of
permanently removing them. We do not use force but a peaceful approach that all can see, and where we have made contact already our messages have been of hope and concern for your wellbeing.
We of the Galactic Federation are the bringers of Love and Light, as that is our way and consistent with our more enlightened spiritual approach. You are as much a part of us as we are you, and
undeniably connected through eons of time. We recognize and accept the existence of the Creator of All That Is, and in that we are aware that our source is the same as yours. We may have travelled
different paths and exist on a higher dimension than yours, but on another level we are all together in the Now. We are on a journey through creation, and soon you will recognize and accept your own
place within it. We are One and always will be, and it is time to lift up out of the darkness that has dulled your senses and caused you to forget your divine birthright.
There is no turning back although you may stay within the existing vibrational
level if you so desire. You are in a freewill Universe that the Creator has given for your experience, and now it is time to move on with the opportunity to leave the cycle of duality behind. There
are no recriminations against those who have desired to play the dark game. At any given time you know what you have set up your life for, and you would not be incarnate now unless you wished to
experience this particular period of time. The serious game of life in duality is your path to knowledge, and evolution at a pace that is not matched elsewhere. You are not having random experiences,
but those which have been selected by you to progress spiritually. Sometimes you find it hard to comprehend why you should do so, but on returning to the higher levels all will become quite clear and
It is most important that you believe in infinite life, and that you choose how to experience it. Your many lifetimes on Earth in the lower vibrations have given you joy and happiness, but also
sadness and grief yet each time you have eventually returned to the higher realms. In the light of understanding you can take a broader view of your many lives, and allow for the fact that you have
chosen exactly what you needed to further evolve. You do this with much assistance, and no fight you take on is without the presence of many Guides or Angelic protection. You are never alone to face
your trials or tribulations, it is just that you are normally unaware of the help with you. When you are low or feel overpowered by what is occurring around you, know that you can call upon help and
it will be heard.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and along with the Pleiadeans and Venusians’ are very much like you in appearance. After all, you are genetically linked with us and we have more in common than you might
imagine. Many of you are aware of other humanoid forms, and these are simply variations that are more suited to the different planetary conditions. Bodies are vehicles that house your soul for the
duration of your time in any one environment. Soon yours will change again, as you move into the higher vibrations and indeed for some of you they have already begun. I leave you with my Love and
Light forever.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey. Please do not use the above email address, it is one way only.
My address is To "subscribe" to the ET First Contact List go to:
or and click on the "subscribe" button.
"X-Factor" and October 14, 2008, Chapter
(1) Free will/choice cannot be predicted mathematically. Off-planet, the collective status of on-planet free
will/choice is known as the "X-Factor". The collective on-planet "X-Factor" measures between 0% and
(2) 0% "X-Factor" is living in fear from mind/ego... or separation
(3) 100% "X-Factor" is walking in Un-Conditional Love and living
within Heart... or Connective Consciousness.
(4) Every possible form within Heart contains inner Beauty... this Beauty can be seen through the 'eyes'
of our own unique aspect of the ONE Heart. There is only ONE Heart... we are all many
of ONE... connected through the ONE Heart.
(5) The path from 0% to 100% is all about 'Letting go" of thoughts and beliefs no longer within our individual
(6) 45 Acceleration tools to "Let go" are on Many of ONE... none of which are necessary for those who simply choose to "Let go and walk in
Love and Beauty".
(7) For the scientific types, the full force of Photon Mechanics (explained on Many of ONE) is activated for those
who choose to simply "Let go and walk in Love and Beauty".
From below:
"(1) Dear Ones a high point has been achieved through the ongoing expectation of the arrival of the Forces of Light, and that is so important to the final outcome of First
Contact. Having been presented with a firm announcement connected with the “Sighting” rather than a mere possibility; it has confronted many souls who were not ready for such an enormous
event. (2) The result has been a shock to their system, over and above the normal reaction to the many sightings that have been taking place with ever
increasing regularity.
(3) ... the sighting has been curtailed for a short time until a more receptive response is registered.
(4) Overall the Light has grown, and brought the facts of what is transpiring on and off Earth, to more people’s attention than ever before. In that respect there has been a
gain for the Light, however it was never intended that an event planned with so much love and good intentions, should heighten people’s fears and confusion.
(5) Now the focus returns for the time being on the next few months, during which many major and extremely important events are drawing to a
Original Message ----- From: Mike Quinsey Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 1:20 AM
SaLuSa 15-October-2008
Dear Ones a high point has been achieved through the ongoing expectation of the arrival of the Forces of Light, and that is so important to the final outcome of First Contact. Having been presented
with a firm announcement connected with the “Sighting” rather than a mere possibility; it has confronted many souls who were not ready for such an enormous event. The result has been a shock to their
system, over and above the normal reaction to the many sightings that have been taking place with ever increasing regularity. With all of the confusion and chaos already making people tense and
worried, yet another matter of mind wrenching capability has created a degree of tension that was not envisaged. In the interests of those people, the sighting has been curtailed for a short time
until a more receptive response is registered.
The Lightworkers will understand that people’s wellbeing has always been first and uppermost in our consideration. As with other proposed major events that have been held back, the whole process of
Ascension still moves forward. It will certainly be unaffected in any way by the change of course. Overall the Light has grown, and brought the facts of what is transpiring on and off Earth, to more
people’s attention than ever before. In that respect there has been a gain for the Light, however it was never intended that an event planned with so much love and good intentions, should heighten
people’s fears and confusion. Our decisions are always for the good of all, and it still remains true that there is a divine decree in place regarding the manner in which the end times are played
Now the focus returns for the time being on the next few months, during which many major and extremely important events are drawing to a conclusion. This is in accordance with the long held plan to
remove the last cabal. Then, the mass consciousness will be even more receptive to the possibility of First Contact. What has been happening over the last few weeks, is that dear souls who have not
previously given much thought to the existence of their Space Family, have felt compelled to wrestle with what it would mean to them. For some it has been extremely unsettling, and they clearly need
yet more time to contemplate such an important issue. However, the seeds are sown and as further changes occur on Earth, so the possibility of contact with us will become more acceptable.
There is a fine line between our desire to contact you openly, and the reluctance of some of you to accept our presence and place in your lives, and indeed in your future. Our ways are not to force
issues, but to try with immense patience to guide people’s thoughts into a new way of thinking. For quite some time messages of love and great encouragement have been presented to you. Their goal is
to awaken you to the truth of your reality that you have created, and lift your consciousness to a much higher level of understanding. In that the messages have been remarkably successful, yet so
many of Humankind have remained bogged down by the lower vibrations. Our desire would be to lift every single soul up, but we know that some are not ready to take such a step. That is as always a
freewill choice, which will always be honored.
It is not so much as you would say “back to the drawing board” but simply an adjustment to part of the plan to acquaint you with our presence, Bear in mind that at this stage, the “Sighting” was
intended to make a final move that proved beyond doubt our existence. Whilst millions of you have seen our craft, and even Extraterrestrials a considerable number of times, these have been the
ongoing contacts that have gradually brought a large degree of acceptance of us. To present a sighting such as was planned would leave little way out for those full of fear. Of course there is always
going to be a certain degree of opposition to such an event, as the uninformed and dark forces will use every way possible to defeat our intentions. They cannot however achieve but only a temporary
respite from our presence, and in the long run the plan for Man will manifest.
Nothing has really changed, and there is always a need to reappraise what we are planning. We do in fact constantly review our input into earthly affairs, and our caution is sometimes seen as
inaction on our part. A few more days or weeks are really unimportant after thousands of years in duality. The most important factor above all else is the result of our presence, and our gentle
nudging towards the path of Ascension. Our craft will continue to make their way across your skies as before, and that will remain as part of our ongoing plan to familiarize you with them and accept
that they offer you no threat.
We would encourage you to look at the positive side of any event that seems on the face of it to be a failure. The “Sighting” has not gone ahead as planned, but because of the intent to prove our
presence beyond doubt, it has opened more people’s minds and hearts. It signals the coming together of your civilization and others that are truly your brothers and sisters from the stars. As always
we keep tabs on what your dark forces are doing, and they continue to fall down the slippery path to oblivion. Their time is up, although they refuse to recognize it and obstinately hold onto their
waning power.
A look at what is happening on your world shows that there have been great advancements for your release from the hold of the dark. Suddenly the plan for the initial changes that will start a whole
ream of them is there to see. Allow for matters to play out, and then you will notice that our allies have managed to set the scene for a massive change in the way your financial set up works. Soon
the abundance program will be able to commence, and your immediate worries will be short lived. It will be only the start of a whole series of changes that will not be able to be thwarted by the
outgoing and defeated cabal.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and the Galactic Federation ask that you try to see what has happened where the “Sighting” has been concerned, and put it into perspective with everything else. Your future
is assured, and although it may not be apparent, there has been much gain from the upliftment in people’s consciousness as a result of it. Please accept and feel our love for you all.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey To "subscribe" to the ET First Contact List go to:
or and click on the "subscribe" button.
"Let go and walk in Love and Beauty", Chapter 99
Some observations:
(1) The old ways are crumbling... Dow Jones Industrial Average peaked about one year ago... and is now down over 40 percent (October 10, 2008 close is
(2) The new ways are emerging... the pre-First Contact activities are currently planned to go to the next level on Tuesday October 14, 2008.
(3) "To fear or not to fear... that is the only question!"
(4) What can I do right now? "Let go and walk
in Love and Beauty."
From below:
"(1) These are testing times with many problems thrown at you on a physical level, and also testing of your faith and understanding in connection with your Space friends,
and their announcement of intent to show themselves to prove their existence beyond doubt.
(2) This is one time in your history when you shall emerge victorious, unlike earlier cycles when you have been virtually destroyed through the actions of the dark forces. This one was
always projected as having the full potential for a successful conclusion, and to ensure such an outcome has been carefully directed and assisted by our Federation.
(3) The Galactic Federation have made clear what you can expect with their coming to Earth, and they offer great help having foreseen the mass destruction that the Illuminati planned for
your demise. Very few of you have a realization of how far their plans extended, and the degree to which they had been advanced.
(4) It is nearing the time when the Light will have been established upon Earth, and it will project you into a new era of joy and happiness. It will continue during the restoration of Earth
and take you on to Ascension, when you will exist in absolute bliss and become free from all of the problems that beset you now.
(5) All around you death, destruction and decay are evident, but understand that absolutely nothing is permanently destroyed as it simply changes its level of vibration. All is energy and
creation is by thought, and as you lift yourselves up your powers will increase to levels of instant creation.
(6) Meantime you can help those around you, by not entering into the fearful consequences of the financial problems that abound at present. You have the benefit of seeing further ahead
than those who are uninformed or unaware of the Great Light, and it is emerging from the darkness and creating the opportunity for a complete turnaround in the direction of your lives. Keep that
vision in your sights at all times, because it is about manifest and once it does you will be under no illusion as to what it means."
----- Original Message ----- From: Mike Quinsey Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 1:28 AM
SaLuSa 10-October-2008
These are testing times with many problems thrown at you on a physical level, and also testing of your faith and understanding in connection with your Space friends, and their announcement of intent
to show themselves to prove their existence beyond doubt. The weeks have passed by and the Sighting looms ever nearer, and it has as expected provoked much interest and discussion. In the depths of
world chaos there is hope extended by us, and anyone who has followed our messages will be aware of the nature of our presence. We come to release you from the conditions that have subjected you to
so much turmoil, and have reduced your lives to being little less than slaves to your Government’s agenda of global control.
This is one time in your history when you shall emerge victorious, unlike earlier cycles when you have been virtually destroyed through the actions of the dark forces. This one was always projected
as having the full potential for a successful conclusion, and to ensure such an outcome has been carefully directed and assisted by our Federation. It has required much cooperation from you who are
the Lightworkers, and your commitment to establishing the Light upon Earth. In this you have been remarkably successful, having carried Mankind through several periods of uncertainty over the last
century. Many souls have ventured to Earth during this time to specifically lift you up, and out of the darkness have achieved the establishment of a grid of Light. It is your link between Earth and
the immediate levels above you, and as you attract the Light so it enforces the power of the grid to create many centers within it.
The Galactic Federation have made clear what you can expect with their coming to Earth, and they offer great help having foreseen the mass destruction that the Illuminati planned for your demise.
Very few of you have a realization of how far their plans extended, and the degree to which they had been advanced. They had success in their grasp, but have had it snatched from them through joint
activities with our allies. There is no “quick fix” and even with our knowledge and technology, it will take some time to establish the foundation for a new way of life. However, we are very near to
being able to go ahead with First Contact, and that is the key to everything else that is necessary to get the changes underway.
It is nearing the time when the Light will have been established upon Earth, and it will project you into a new era of joy and happiness. It will continue during the restoration of Earth and take you
on to Ascension, when you will exist in absolute bliss and become free from all of the problems that beset you now. Duality is an experience and no more, and it was never intended to become your
permanent way of life. It is cyclic like everything else and now draws to its conclusion having served its purpose. Your natural state is being at one with All That Is, living in complete harmony and
happiness without the burden of having to deal with the attention of the dark forces. They too are gaining experience from their activities, and act out their roles assigned to them just the same as
All around you death, destruction and decay are evident, but understand that absolutely nothing is permanently destroyed as it simply changes its level of vibration. All is energy and creation is by
thought, and as you lift yourselves up your powers will increase to levels of instant creation. You are far from being helpless Beings tossed around in the sea of physicality, as you have all of the
potential offered by the higher levels of vibration. Ascension will place you in the fifth dimension or higher, which is far removed from the limiting vibrations you are now in. Yet, it is you over
millennia of time that have created what you see all around you today. It is not exactly by choice, but your dark thoughts and deeds have overshadowed the Light. Now you can take credit for having
lifted yourselves up sufficiently to manifest the higher vibrations, and they are opening the path to Ascension.
Meantime you can help those around you, by not entering into the fearful consequences of the financial problems that abound at present. You have the benefit of seeing further ahead than those who are
uninformed or unaware of the Great Light, and it is emerging from the darkness and creating the opportunity for a complete turnaround in the direction of your lives. Keep that vision in your sights
at all times, because it is about manifest and once it does you will be under no illusion as to what it means. Changes for the good of all are descending upon you in the form of the Galactic
Federation, and we await the initial response to the “Sighting” from which we can gauge your readiness for the next stages. Know for certainty we will come very soon, as it must be realized that time
is becoming short for the plan to take you to the end times.
We do not experience concern in the way you do, as we have the ability to adjust to any changes quite easily and no challenge is beyond us. It is simply that our technological superiority lends
itself quite readily to any situation. However, we need to take the present opportunity that offers us the chance to implement the Divine Plan for you and your evolution. Earth is a beautiful world
that will leave you with many memories, but these will be surpassed once you see the restoration completed. Truly the Garden of Eden will rise from the ashes of many centuries of neglect and
destruction. It will be befitting of the new Man that will emerge to accompany Earth on its Ascension pathway.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and can tell you from my experience that your Earth is one of the most beautiful planets I have ever seen. It was created for you by bringing the flowers and fauna from other
planets, so that you could experience some of the wonders of the Universe. Can you comprehend the love of the Beings of Light who were responsible, and the great love of the Creator who conceived of
the plan. New Universes are being created all of the time, and as a Cosmic Being your opportunity to explore these unlimited expanses is infinite. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from
the changes that are commencing on Earth. Think positively and live your life in appreciation of what is being given to you, and give love to all others on this journey with you. Make it a happy and
joyous time that you share with them.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey. Please do not use the above email address, it is one way only.
My address is
October 14, 2008, Planned First Contact, Chapter 98
From below... "(1) There are events that are approaching manifestation that will be the precursor of greater happenings, that shall lead you in a different direction
to what you are used to experiencing. (2) Extraterrestrial craft are no strangers to your Earth, and contact with them is quite normal. What will be different
is that the event of the 14th October sighting will happen in such a way that it will be undeniable, and open the door to First Contact. (3) From here on, think in
a more expansive way that allows for the unity of Man, and his counterparts from all parts of the Universe. You are All One, and it is time to welcome them to your Earth not as
strangers or aliens, but your friends. (4) Be of good cheer and help others to overcome their fear, by pointing out that a cleansing is
taking place that is necessary to enable the new to manifest."
From the Home page of Many of ONE... "Fear is a mind/ego created illusion... Un-conditional
Love is all there is. To fear or not to fear... that is the question."
~htL~ Peter
----- Original Message ----- From: Mike Quinsey Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 9:11 AM
SaLuSa 24-September-2008
Even by your measure of time, there is not long to go before you will get a clear indication of where Humanity is going. There are events that are approaching manifestation that will be the precursor
of greater happenings that shall lead you in a different direction to what you are used to experiencing. You are being helped to break away from the iron grip of the dark forces, and this is vital if
you are to tread a different path that shall allow you full expression in the Light. As you rise up from the lower vibrations, so you are creating a new energy field around you, and eventually will
be totally protected against intrusions from them.
The raising up of your consciousness is a process that you can contribute to by being aware of all of your thoughts and actions, ensuring they are of your highest expression. As you progress, you
will attract even higher energies to yourself, and in so doing will help others also awaken. Your presence is all that is required to perform this service, on behalf of those who still dwell in the
lower vibrations. Some will remain rooted in them and unable to break out. They will not be deserted, but allowed to continue through their freewill choice.
Part of your reason for coming to Earth was to experience separateness from the Source, and in the end-times that you are now going through to grasp the opportunity to ascend. It is of your choosing,
and as your consciousness expands to reveal the truth you must live according to your highest understanding of upliftment. Once you are on the path to Ascension, many dear souls from the Light will
accompany you for the remainder of your journey. You have never been alone, but as often as not have been mired in the dark energies and unable to fully respond to the Light.
This particular period of time is drawing many Beings to Earth, who desire to help you overcome the many obstacles across your path. Rigid belief systems are a major difficulty to overcome, and it is
so essential that you allow for other beliefs to expand your understanding. If not, many revelations that are about to enter your consciousness will be missed opportunities to break out of the
conditioning that has held you back. Soon for example, there will be irrefutable proof that you are not alone in this Universe. Extraterrestrial craft are no strangers to your Earth, and contact with
them is quite normal. What will be different is that the event of the 14th October sighting will happen in such a way that it will be undeniable, and open the door to First Contact.
From here on, think in a more expansive way that allows for the unity of Man, and his counterparts from all parts of the Universe. You are All One, and it is time to welcome them to your Earth not as
strangers or aliens, but your friends. You are One in the Light of the Source of All Life, and your destiny is to once more to become a pure Being of Light. Without the assistance of your ET friends,
Man would have been unable to progress thus far. In time you will understand the truth of their presence, and how they have greatly helped you to evolve according to the Divine Plan that has guided
As we have often informed you, fear is the greatest obstacle to your enlightenment, and your dark forces play upon it. See beyond their attempts to intimidate you, and take your focus away from the
activities of the Light. Some events are natural and real enough, and physical changes will continue to take place. However, others are intentionally brought about to continue the assault upon your
senses to cause confusion and despair. Look further ahead and see that the present conditions cannot remain much longer, without a major change of direction. The dark is already beginning to implode
upon itself, as it has no place whatsoever in the New Age. The Light is rapidly manifesting upon Earth, and drawing ever closer to the moment when the new Earth shall come into being. It will be with
all of its glory, fully restored and fit for the sovereign Beings that shall have been lifted up.
There should be no concern about anything of value that will be left behind, as nothing of the 3rd dimension vibration can take its place in the higher ones. You will eventually use your own powers
of creation to bring into being absolutely anything that gives you joy and happiness. There will be no loss to mourn over, and you will enjoy an existence of wonderful peace and great satisfaction in
the company of Souls of Light. The times upon Earth will seem distant, and only those moments of utter love and upliftment will remain in your awareness. Think and meditate upon these things, and you
will find a certainty within that knows the Truth in this connection.
We say be aware of what is going on around you, but stand back and deflect the lower energies back to their source by placing the golden white Light around you. Everything is energy, and therefore
you have the means to combat any unwelcome energies so that they do not affect you. There will be difficult times ahead but you can soften the blow, if you approach them in the knowing that great
changes are coming that will advance you beyond any lasting effect. Everything is happening so quickly with some speed as the new energies begin to manifest the new Earth. It is happening now, and
therefore much of the old must make way for it.
Be of good cheer and help others to overcome their fear, by pointing out that a cleansing is taking place that is necessary to enable the new to manifest. Death and destruction are inevitable, but
you will learn that nothing happens by chance. All souls decide how they will leave Earth and they accept it without any trauma or regret, as there is a time set for the completion of each soul's
life period. One life is but a brief moment of time in the whole scheme and plan for Man. The present one is however most important for those who seek the path of Ascension, and even that is known
within the souls sub consciousness and will drive them onwards.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and come with greetings from the Galactic Federation, and much joy at the thought of your soon to come experiences of our craft, as they come close to Earth. Our actions are
all in the cause of Love and Light and to ensure your safe arrival at journeys end, and Ascension.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
To "subscribe" to the ET First Contact List go to: or and click on the "subscribe" button. You must subscribe/unsubscribe from your own computer in order to receive confirmation that
your request has been actioned.
First Contact Preliminary on October 14, 2008, Chapter 97
From below... "(1) Michael has been wondering whether we will endorse the prediction of a special sighting that is intended for
the 14th October, and we are more than happy to do so. However, always allow for changes where anything of this nature is
concerned. (2) The UFO cover-up has gone on for so long, but now fools very few people. The disclosure of mountains of evidence is essential to the
acceptance and safety of our craft and personnel, and it needs to be seen that we have interacted with you in a peaceful and non-interfering manner. We would like that to go further, and reveal the
many occasions that we have contacted your officials on peaceful missions. (3) There is still a mixed feeling about our intentions, but generally speaking
we are accepted as being of no threat to you. The nearer we get to First Contact there will be fear mongering but we visualize that by then we shall have achieved our goal of being
accepted. (4)The messages we bring are going to call for a new look at your history, and many false concepts and beliefs will have to be released."
~htL ~Peter
----- Original Message ----- From: Mike Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 2:04 AM
Diane 29-August-2008
You are on your way, as you might say to the Promised Land and it will far exceed your expectations. After all of the turmoil you have experienced with the prospect of Mankind entering a period of
collapse, it will be so uplifting to be able to put the past behind you. You have moods of consciousness, and presently there is much despondency at the direction the world is heading. Yet
within all of it a bright new dawn is emerging, that speaks of unity and a great coming together of all people. Changes are occurring all of the time, but hope is there that they will lead to new
pathway that will put the past behind you.
More people than ever are detaching themselves from the constant bombardment of negative news, and look to the emergence of new directions that will lead to emancipation. They desire a coming
together with a common purpose, and in the U.S. the election of a new President is seen as a step in the right direction, but the old influences and control still remain. However, all is in a state
of flux, and so many things are happening at the same time it is difficult for you to see the outcome. We know the direction it is heading into, and this is why we repeatedly tell you of your
success. How often we have said that victory is yours, and this is why you should detach yourselves from the intentional fear laden messages of your current leaders.
We have an army of people who are working hard to bring the dark forces into the Halls of Justice, and it will be the last time they shall stand in the limelight. The dark deeds that they have
perpetrated upon you will be revealed, and they are far more extensive than you can possibly imagine. People will find it hard to believe that they have been duped and misled for so many years, and
that their future has not been in their own hands. You have been held back from what should have been a natural advancement out of the Dark Ages into the Light. They have orchestrated the continual
ups and downs of life, and they have cared little about leaving you impoverished and in desperation.
Now a different scenario is presenting itself, and many see that we of the Galactic Federation are the answer to your problems. We have contacted you with a view to helping you forward to a peaceful
co-existence, and whilst your leaders have refused our help, you have responded positively. That has allowed us into your lives and we represent your best opportunity to change things on Earth. As
your consciousness grows and the desire for our intervention becomes stronger, so we can respond and work with you to bring those changes about.
We are the balancing force that offers you peace and happiness, whereas the E.T’s invited to Earth by your government were used to strengthen the hand of the dark forces. Technological advancements
have been used to empower your military forces and not for the general good of Mankind. Now we take up the role of bringing into being far ranging world changes that shall bring you all that has
previously been denied you. The waste and misuse of your money and resources has taken place on a massive scale, when it could have been used for the general good of all people. The ever present
problems of starvation and need for just the basic tools for survival could have easily been overcome, and these are all areas that we shall address very quickly. However, that cannot commence until
we can openly meet with those who are to be appointed to carry you into the New Age. One most important factor will be the need to keep you informed of what is happening, and we are well equipped to
do it. You can then participate with us, and in this way we shall soon gain your full approval and confidence.
Michael has been wondering whether we will endorse the prediction of a special sighting that is intended for the 14th October, and we are more than happy to do so. However, always allow for changes
where anything of this nature is concerned. Because it has been given to you some weeks in advance, it allows for a careful assessment of your reaction to the news. It also means that we can judge
the impact upon your dark forces, and how they intend to respond. We cannot jeopardize the good work that has been done up to now, so we ask you all to accept at this stage the intent to bring our
presence into the open. It will open people’s eyes and minds to our mission, and they shall see that we intend no harm to you. It will result in a call for your governments to interact with us, but
of course that is not what they wish to do. They would rather ignore us and prevent any discourse with us that would take away their power over you.
The UFO cover-up has gone on for so long, but now fools very few people. The disclosure of mountains of evidence is essential to the acceptance and safety of our craft and personnel, and it needs to
be seen that we have interacted with you in a peaceful and non-interfering manner. We would like that to go further, and reveal the many occasions that we have contacted your officials on peaceful
missions. There is still a mixed feeling about our intentions, but generally speaking we are accepted as being of no threat to you. The nearer we get to First Contact there will be fear mongering but
we visualize that by then we shall have achieved our goal of being accepted. The messages we bring are going to call for a new look at your history, and many false concepts and beliefs will have to
be released.
We come to prepare you for Ascension, and come what may we shall ensure that we are successful in carrying out our divine orders. When the might and power of Heaven is placed behind us, you can be
sure that there is only one outcome. Our mission is one of love and dedication to you, and we see you as equals and in no way different to us. We may be further down the path of evolution, but soon
you will have the opportunity to join us. It is our responsibility to raise your consciousness to much higher levels, and bring the truth to you of your immortality and everlasting immutable link to
God. Life is infinite and you are eventually destined to take your place in the Cosmos as time travelers. You will carry the message of God, and Love and Light just as we are now for you.
I am Diane from Sirius, and carry the feminine energy that is now predominant upon Earth, and will bring balance to you as the masculine energy has controlled your past often to your detriment. Great
times together are coming closer, and we have so much to do that we will be so pleased when the formalities of getting together have taken place. We have studied Mankind for eons of time, and it is
your emotional reactions that are so unpredictable. We do however believe that our approach over many years now, has paved the way for a peaceful and happy re-union. Indeed, it will be an occasion
when you can interact with us, and you will know beyond doubt our intentions are honorable. The coming of the Masters to Earth will dispel much doubt regarding your religious beliefs, and the last
barriers between people will be removed. You have lived with many drawbacks that have created separate societies, because you have not found a common purpose in your lives that has enabled you to
come together.
Dear Ones, everything is about to permanently change for the better, and the basis for it all has gradually been put into place over many years. Our presence has stimulated your minds, and you have
understood the potential that was being placed before you. You correctly see yourselves in us, and we are linked from ages past when we were able to come to you in a more openly manner. Your true
history will show that we have always traveled with you, and have influenced your progress in ways that have speeded up your evolution. It is no different now and we are ready to enable you to take
the greatest step of all onto the path of Ascension. We accompany you with our love and caring to bring you happiness, and release from the thralldom of centuries of darkness and oppression. We love
you all with heartfelt joy at being with you at such an important time.
Thank you Diane.
Mike Quinsey.
My address is To "subscribe" to the ET First Contact List go to : or go to and click on the "Subscribe" button.
Healing, health & Ascension, Chapter 96
"Mind over matter" is a familiar phrase. The non-physical portions of healing and health can be more powerful than the physical portions. Pure Unconditional
Love (see Magic Words webpage) can be even more powerful than the mind/ego ("mind over matter") approach to healing and health.
From below... "Perfect health is something no one experiences on Earth, as you are subjected to energies and conditions that “attack” your psyche and your physical body reacts to it.
Factors such as the effect of your food intake, and your lack of emotional control such as anger all damage the normal function of your bodies. I refer not just to your physical body but also
your etheric body that carries your energies and where an imbalance can lead to illness.
All these problems will lessen as you cleanse yourself and lift up your consciousness. You are beginning to understand the nature of the power you are developing, and how your thoughts are
reflected in your body.
Like attracts like, and if you can concentrate on those that bring harmony and balance to it, healing will take place. Earth has its moments of utter joy and happiness, but usually these are
fleeting experiences.
In the higher dimensions it is always blissful, as the energies are pure and untainted by the lower energies you are in now." By the way... 'Like attracts like" represents the same concept as
the magic word 'attention'.
~htL~ Peter
----- Original Message ----- From: Mike To: Sent:Friday, July 18, 2008 1:48 AM
Atmos 18-July-2008
A day in your life seems to go so much quicker than ever before, yet the illusion of time still allows you to carry out your normal daily tasks. It is becoming more apparent to you that time is not
constant, and meditation is an example of altered states of consciousness you experience. Not many of you have controlled out of the body experiences, but if you do the time factor is totally
different. You have found that you can seemingly achieve so much, yet so little time has passed when you relate it to how long you have been away.
Our experiences in Space are very similar, particularly when we move backward and forward in time. There is also a different factor involved with intergalactic travel, where we move at speeds faster
than light. Time such as you know it is changing very rapidly, and once you move out of duality into the higher realms it will have little relevance. We use craft of different types according to what
our destination is, and those you mainly see in your skies are small scout ships for that specific use. Sometimes you see our cigar shaped Mother craft that carry them, and they range from a few
hundred feet to thousands of miles long. The latter are kept well outside of your Earth’s atmosphere, and form part of the fleet that is waiting for First Contact.
Linear time for you rules your lives, but for your experience is necessary. On occasions some of you have been invited aboard our craft, and you have found that a long period with us is but a short
time as you measure it. It is the manner in which your consciousness alters that creates the different impressions. We know that as you continue to uplift your consciousness, your experience of time
will change with it. As a result some of you are finding that apparent memory loss is occurring, and it is because you are no longer bound by linear time. Your mind can so to say be in more than one
place at once, and it can be confusing when you are used to doing just one thing at the time.
Just imagine when you regain your creative power, which will be part of your Ascension process, and also when you can travel by pure thought which is instantaneous. Will time even be of any
consequence or even necessary? At present you have a nice routine with your sleep and waking pattern. The Sun rises and sets, and your physical body responds accordingly as it needs regular
recharging every 24 hours. However, your new crystalline body that is beginning to replace your present one, will eventually have no such needs. Indeed, even now you will find that progressively you
require less sleep. Because you will be able to literally renew your body from the energy that is around you, the normal extent of your solid food intake also becomes unnecessary. These are changes
that some of you are already noting, and the habit of setting regular meal times will be replaced by simply eating when you need sustenance.
All of the things I have mentioned are part of the Ascension process, and are preparing you for the final upliftment. It is quite natural and it is not a matter of “giving up” anything at all, as
when your body is ready the subtle changes will occur and you will feel much better for it. Perfect health is something no one experiences on Earth, as you are subjected to energies and conditions
that “attack” your psyche and your physical body reacts to it. Factors such as the effect of your food intake, and your lack of emotional control such as anger all damage the normal function of your
bodies. I refer not just to your physical body but also your etheric body, that carries your energies and where an imbalance can lead to illness. All these problems will lessen as you cleanse
yourself and lift up your consciousness. You are beginning to understand the nature of the power you are developing and how your thoughts are reflected in your body. Like attracts like, and if you
can concentrate on those that bring harmony and balance to it, healing will take place.
As many teaching sources have informed you, your emotions are a big factor in your lives. It is an area that requires your attention if you aspire to be part of Ascension. Duality is continually
trying you out, and we do not make light of the difficult situations you can face. All challenges are a part of your evolution and allow for rapid advancement. You are in a truly wonderful period of
opportunity that if you can apply yourself, will ensure that you leave this level for once and for all. Earth has its moments of utter joy and happiness, but usually these are fleeting experiences.
In the higher dimensions it is always blissful, as the energies are pure and untainted by the lower energies you are in now. The truth is that they cannot exist there, and constant harmony and
balance is in everything around you. You will find beauty unparalleled upon Earth, and not sullied by the dirt and grime you are used to seeing.
Dear Ones, you are so near to the final phases of Ascension that will cleanse the Earth. We of the Galactic Federation are charged with carrying out those tasks, and our craft are fully ready and
equipped to move at a minutes' notice. First however, the initial steps must be taken mainly by you to oust the last cabal that stands in the way of change. That task is progressing very well, and we
have little doubt that success is very near. A few more weeks or even months are not important, as the stage must be set for our arrival in the manner we have requested. Certain changes have to be in
place, so that as a population you have discerned our purpose and how we fit in. Financial problems are about to peak, and it is in this vital area that the new system must fully replace the old.
There has to be a base from which we can work, and money matters are up front because of the unfair and unequal distribution of wealth. Political systems are also a priority, as it is vital that your
representatives are honest and dedicated to the good of the people. A new Constitution must reflect the original concepts that made you the leaders of your destiny, and not those who have taken away
your freedom.
I am Atmos from Sirius, and we are one of the prominent star nations who have a major role to play in your future. We are where you are destined to go, and soon we shall meet as old friends and start
a new venture in the vast Cosmos. We come with great admiration for your tenacity and dedication to your intent to bring back peace and harmony through Love and Light. Be assured that every ounce of
effort you put in is worthwhile, and will lead to the victory you well deserve. We salute you and bow to your God selves.
Thank you Atmos.
Mike Quinsey.
To "subscribe" to the ET First Contact List go to : or go to www.treeofthegoldenlight.comand
click on the "Subscribe" button.
What you can do to choose and prepare for Ascension, Chapter 95
Today is Independence Day for the United States of America... happy 4th of July to all! As 'time' continues to move towards the latest transition date of 11:11 GMT on December 21, 2012, the
mystery and twists and turns along the way continue... and continue... and continue. And... the evidence of change continues... from the interest in going "green"... to wild
weather... to the increase in visits to Many of ONE where timely updates are being made.
As 'time' marches on, when/if you feel so inspired, check Many of ONE for updates. All updates are clearly identified on the home page. This will be the last general email
distribution... as the email lists have become too large.
from below..."I am Ag-agria from Sirius and we continue to cover the subject of your Ascension, because that is the ultimate aim of everything we are doing for you. We are your
Guardians, and First Contact is to provide massive help in matters that you could not otherwise handle. All must be made ready for Ascension, and the divine plan is in its final stages waiting our
open contact with you.
There are times when you must find those quiet places where you can unwind. The rushing around and continual pressures to meet your commitments, are causing you stress. Unchecked it can lead
to ill health, and is not conducive to achieving the peace within necessary to bring about a higher state of consciousness. Part of your experiences are intended to help you understand the value
of holding them in check, but you need to accept that they can be controlled. You will find that you cannot lay blame elsewhere for any lack of control over them.
Emotions out of control cause so many difficulties, even to the loss of life. To be able to stay calm in the face of provocation is not easy, but the sooner you take this stance, the sooner you
will feel safe and secure within your own space. What is so important is that when you have spiritual aspirations to raise yourself up, it must be accompanied by self-control.
It extends even further as the ego has to be addressed, as it is often the instigator of reactions that are not of the highest order. There comes a time when you realize that you are responsible
for all of your thoughts and actions.
Eventually there will be two groups working alongside each other, but moving in opposite directions. One will ascend, whilst the other one will move into another place prepared so that they may
continue their present level of evolution. Their new cycle will be the continuation of their chosen experiences in the lower dimensions, much like those on the Earth at
~htL~ Peter
----- Original Message ----- From: Mike To: Sent:Friday, July 04, 2008 1:08 AM
Ag-agria 4-July-2008
There are times when you must find those quiet places where you can unwind. The rushing around and continual pressures to meet your commitments, are causing you stress. Unchecked it can lead to
ill health, and is not conducive to achieving the peace within necessary to bring about a higher state of consciousness. You must try to release your tension, as otherwise you may find it difficult
to control your emotions. Part of your experiences are intended to help you understand the value of holding them in check, but you need to accept that they can be controlled. You will find that you
cannot lay blame elsewhere for any lack of control over them.
Emotions out of control cause so many difficulties, even to the loss of life. To be able to stay calm in the face of provocation is not easy, but the sooner you take this stance, the sooner you will
feel safe and secure within your own space. Referring to the matter of your health, it is affected by the poisons produced in your body through continual stressful conditions. When it leads to such
emotions as anger, you are in danger of damaging your most vital organ, your heart. Of course there can be other contributory factors, but for the moment I am concentrating on causes that are under
your immediate control.
What is so important is that when you have spiritual aspirations to raise yourself up, it must be accompanied by self-control. It extends even further as the ego has to be addressed, as it is often
the instigator of reactions that are not of the highest order. There comes a time when you realize that you are responsible for all of your thoughts and actions. You will come to realize that you
have programmed your ego, to respond to the mind-set that you believe is the real you. Consequently you lose sight of the fact that you can change it at any time, if you have the will to do so. You
and your ego should become as one, working to the highest principals you know.
Ego is the holder of your pride and measure of self-importance, but it must be tempered with caution that you do not place yourself above others. As your spiritual understanding grows, you will
realize that you must be humble and accept each person's right to their own place in society. Not only that but also understand that it takes a multitude of people, each providing what is necessary
for the evolution of your mass consciousness. At present you are just beginning to establish a new level, and the awakening is leading people to the truth of their existence. More importantly it is
also revealing their purpose for being on Earth.
The old paradigm is no longer suitable for souls that are finding a need for enlightenment. There is a great movement of Lighted ones that are linking in a common purpose to bring peace and truth to
the Earth, and it is resulting in the divide that will continue growing as it lifts you into the Ascension process. Eventually there will be two groups working alongside each other, but moving in
opposite directions. One will ascend, whilst the other one will move into another place prepared so that they may continue their present level of evolution. Their new cycle will be the continuation
of their chosen experiences in the lower dimensions, much like those on the Earth at present.
The end times are to be the crowning glory for those who have made Ascension their goal. The pathway has been opening up so that its coming is known, and many messengers have come to Earth to make
people aware. It sometimes leads to confusion, as there can be different expressions of the manner in which it is to be achieved. However, the details should not deter you, as it is the goal that is
all-important and Ascension will take place regardless. Nothing can prevent it from lifting you up into the higher vibrations, as firstly you will have prepared yourselves for it, and secondly you
have planned it as your final experience as you leave duality.
As an ascended Being you will enter the realms that hitherto were not accessible to you. Your higher vibrations will only allow you to ascend as far as the level that resonates with them. That may
sound as a restriction but in fact you are entering the Light realms, and you will find that they stretch out into Infinity. There will always be that urge to move ever forward, and you will
gradually find yourself in even more refined realms. In your present cycle that urge is responsible for your quest for the truth. It has hitherto been concealed from you, because being in the lower
vibrations has restricted your consciousness. Your Light cannot however be extinguished, and has come to the surface as you have risen out of the Dark Ages.
Now the Light is in the ascendancy and is linking enlightened souls together. As a powerful force of Light and Love you are transmuting the dark energies, and they are breaking up and their hold on
you is being released. There may be darkness still around you, but it cannot touch you any longer unless you allow it. Providing you take responsibility for your own creations, you can clear any old
karma quite quickly and it has never been easier than at this time. Intent is the word, and carefully note the experiences you have, as therein is the message for you. Dispatch those wayward thoughts
that come into your mind, do it with love and tell your ego that they no longer serve your higher purpose. You and your ego must work in harmony together, until you are able to dispense with its
services and become One with All That Is.
I am Ag-agria from Sirius and we continue to cover the subject of your Ascension, because that is the ultimate aim of everything we are doing for you. We are your Guardians, and First Contact is to
provide massive help in matters that you could not otherwise handle. All must be made ready for Ascension, and the divine plan is in its final stages waiting our open contact with you. The Earth must
be restored in a way that is respectful to that great entity called Mother Gaia, who like a mother to her children has sacrificed much at your hands. That has been her loving approach ever since you
first stepped foot upon her surface. Now it is time to honor that great Being and return the love she has shown you. You are immutably linked with all forms of life, and it is the energy of Love that
holds it all together. Be of the Light that brings love into everything you do and touch with your thoughts.
Thank you Ag-agria.
Mike Quinsey. My address is To "subscribe" to the ET First Contact List go to :
or go to and click on the "Subscribe" button.
A timely chapter reprinted from the Many of ONE eBook, Relationships, including Twin Rays & Soul Mates, Chapter 13
Jan/15/99, thru Lisa Smith *******************************************(Chapter 13))***start
Bottom Line: (Ascension) This information from Sananda (Jesus) is one of most helpful transmissions, I have ever read... and studied... and studied... and
studied! During June 2003, St. Germain asked me to understand this information. Before June 2003, I did not have clarity on the definition of a soul mate... but had heard
hundreds of definitions and read several books. Afterwards I understood and honored the purpose of all relationships... joyous and non-joyous. Today December 20, 2003, I felt
inspired to summarize and share this transmission from January 15, 1999.
"As all beings are created from the source substance, we are all a part of mother/father God. In the grand oneness of source there is creation upon creation of sparks of light."
"You my friends are one of these sparks. Each particle of the vast light we know as God is one part male and one part female. The truth is always as simple as that. There are many sequences of
patterns and families of spirit moving through creation, however the fact remains that all are part of a positive/negative polarity."
"Until this time all were experiencing together and aware that we were one being of a male/female nature, working with the forces of creation and birthing many new ideas. All are part of the grand
entity we know as mother/father God. The bliss and the ecstasy of two hearts joined as one is beyond any human concept."
"At the galactic levels we started with ease and grace the separation process through several dimensions. This ensured there would be no harm to our light vehicles. For most of us
the memory of disconnecting is still painful at a deep cellular level. This will become part of the clearing process if one is brave enough to commit to this relationship on all levels again. Earth
is the pivot point for the entire universe for the end of duality."
"No ascended master will step into a lower than high fifth dimensional field of light. For two reasons, one being the safety of both parties, and the other being that the earth party has got to do
their inner work to ascend."
"I will give you the step by step process one has to integrate and clear before becoming one again with themselves. This also coinciding with achieving the male/female balance within. This balance
along with other work must be completed before union can take place. While going through the reconnection there will be much inner work accomplished. It takes trust, faith and a strong determination
to become one again." "It is also time we slowly begin to fuse into the earth's consciousness the story of man and woman. One cannot be without the other; it simply is not done. The seven-step
earth pyramid of male/female relationships is as follows:
1. Twin Ray
2. Twin Flames
3. Twin Souls
4. Twin Mates
5. Divine Expression
6. Soul Mates
7. Divine Complement"
"A soul mate is one who is previously set up before coming into incarnation. Your cycle of life will take many turns and at the perfect time a soul mate will enter to teach you in a strong way about
yourself. Many would like to think they are married with a soul mate, but truly not as many as would like to be are living this relationship. It is a special meeting and one that will most likely
alter your life. This could be positive or negative depending on where you stand in self. Also a soul mate in this lifetime could be different than in another lifetime."
Link to the original transmission at Highly Recommended!!! The full transmission follows:
Channeled Material
Twin Ray Completion
"Enter the Divine Twin Ray Reunions"January 15, 1999
through Lisa Smith Many of us have journeyed long and far to reconnect with that one complete half of whom we are. For the experience of duality we split in two separate spheres of
light and now it is time to once again complete the divine union between our male and female God-self. As all beings are created from the source substance, we are all a part of mother/father God. In
the grand oneness of source there is creation upon creation of sparks of light. You my friends are one of these sparks. Each particle of the vast light we know as God is one part male and one part
female. The truth is always as simple as that. There are many sequences of patterns and families of spirit moving through creation, however the fact remains that all are part of a positive/negative
polarity. For the inception of duality we began to move through the universal core as a team of light beings. Together in vast consciousness we blended our light for the building of the house we live
in. We start this explanation from the Great Central Sun in this universe, for creation moves way past this level and we shall have a great time together rejoining with every facet of our being. A
time came when the energy you know as self formed into a vehicle of expression and with wonder you came to a certain life form, praising the two of you as one. To move down through the galactic
streams many came through an Archangel or other grand being of life. Many of you understand this being to be your father. And yes they gave birth to your essence into the galactic realms, while some
were birthed through the solar level of light. All are children of the one. Some of us simply birthed through an energetic life stream and agreed to step down in vibration. A twin ray coupling,
pulling from the one source of all created others. The duality took all on earth through the solar level eventually. Until this time all were experiencing together and aware that we were one being of
a male/female nature, working with the forces of creation and birthing many new ideas. All are part of the grand entity we know as mother/father God. The bliss and the ecstasy of two hearts joined as
one is beyond any human concept.
At the galactic levels we started with ease and grace the separation process through several dimensions. This ensured there would be no harm to our light vehicles. For most of us the memory of
disconnecting is still painful at a deep cellular level. This will become part of the clearing process if one is brave enough to commit to this relationship on all levels again. Earth is the pivot
point for the entire universe for the end of duality. We are at a blessed time when the twin ray couplings can start the slow process of reunion. Your twin ray is the ultimate experience of your
God-self in every facet. It is who you are and for this we are extremely grateful. At this time the twin ray reunions are happening on a massive scale. If you feel your one half is not here, you are
correct dear ones. To blend heaven and earth we are in different dimensions. However as the earth party moves up and attains the Christ vehicle, the upper dimensional party can commune at a certain
dimension. Whatever dimension is up to you and your twin ray. No ascended master will step into a lower than high fifth dimensional field of light. For two reasons, one being the safety of both
parties, and the other being that the earth party has got to do their inner work to ascend. The upper dimensional being cannot do it for you. What is the difference between a soul mate or twin flame,
or divine complement? I will give you the step by step process one has to integrate and clear before becoming one again with themselves. This also coinciding with achieving the male/female balance
within. This balance along with other work must be completed before union can take place. While going through the reconnection there will be much inner work accomplished. It takes trust, faith and a
strong determination to become one again. Now one might ask why all this when we are supposedly androgynous beings. The term androgynous applies to the balance of the male/female within, and
eventually of the complete balance with your twin ray, where one is a complete extension of the other and vice versa. Creation is always a blending of energies on many levels. It is also time we
slowly begin to fuse into the earth's consciousness the story of man and woman. One cannot be without the other; it simply is not done. The seven-step earth pyramid of male/female relationships is as
follows:1. Twin Ray
2. Twin Flames
3. Twin Souls
4. Twin Mates
5. Divine Expression
6. Soul Mates
7. Divine Complement
We will start with step seven. A divine complement is someone who shows you the exact mirror of where you are living. This person could be anyone at any given time the higher self sends to mirror
your exact image. Often times it reflects our negative vibrations, while other times you are blessed with seeing the beauty that is you. A complement could come in and out of one's life, or stay
around for a while completing many lessons for both parties involved. This would be a very good reason why marriages on earth shift all the time. People change with age and move on. Many times this
does not happen together, and so two partners end up going their separate ways and rightly so in this kind of environment. Remember relationships on earth are in preparation for moving you to a
higher level of being.
A soul mate is one who is previously set up before coming into incarnation. Your cycle of life will take many turns and at the perfect time a soul mate will enter to teach you in a strong way about
yourself. Many would like to think they are married with a soul mate, but truly not as many as would like to be are living this relationship. It is a special meeting and one that will most likely
alter your life. This could be positive or negative depending on where you stand in self. Also a soul mate in this lifetime could be different than in another lifetime. There are instances when one
travels in several lifetimes together. Your soul family is quite large and for purposes of learning at times you may work or set up a connection with a soul mate from another soul family. So in that
instance they would be your soul mate. Also a soul mate could be the exact gender or opposite depending on what you came to experience. Often times a romantic relationship is not in the life plan,
because everything at this level is about clearing up with self. We have spent some lives in dear soul mate relationships, while others are meant for the souls study and advancement.
A divine expression in short is one that comes in and makes a large impression on one's life. If one is not moving in the exact direction intended a divine expression would move in to bring out the
deepest inner angst and leave you pondering the facts of life. This is good, as the intention of a divine expression is exactly that. It will feel not quite pleasant in a lot of instances, but to
open a blind eye spirit will take on many forms to assist. At this time many beings are experiencing a divine expression simply to move them forward. They are actually a gift from your guidance and
one to take heed so the truth can face you head on. So many try to make something work that is not in the cards for their enlightenment and this is where trust comes in. If you feel strong about a
being at this time, you will want to consider that your twin ray is hanging around and this is actually what you are feeling.
A twin mate is part of a group of beings you are connected to for earth, solar and galactic work. A twin mate is someone not usually linked to romantic liaisons, as these souls are a connection of a
like-minded unit of servers. All are connected to at least 144 twin mates. In the paradigm of creation the numerical value of 144 makes for the perfection of manifestation, as it works on a higher
frequency of energy. In the galactic core all twin mates were set up together. Some are here on earth and some are in the galaxy doing other work. When we say we are one and the same it is because
units of congregated light do not separate themselves from one another. We are indeed together for many reasons throughout our experiences. This connection will continue until we complete this cycle
of creation into the birth of the new millennium. Here we will advance and the units move and work with different wavelengths of light. So together in the birthing we re-evaluate and shift
energetically our streams of light depending on where everyone resides in consciousness. Some of your twin mates are not waking up as yet, but we hope all do, as time will soon run out for the
opportunity at hand. As you connect hearts with many beings several will stand out and the recognition of a twin mate will show itself.
A twin soul is a very like vibrational frequency. Each individual has twelve twin souls. They are part of the twin mate grouping, however these twelve are extremely close to your earthwork. Some of
you will be blessed to have a few of these beings close to you on earth. You will feel as if you have known and worked with one another forever, and truly you have. This is likened to the twelve
ascended masters you will link up to on your climb to the Christ Light. A very few of you are twin souls to the twelve masters that are on your line-up awaiting your arrival. This is for instructing
purposes as you are a teacher of magnitude and your energy is linked to this consciousness of light. There have been many blessed romantic encounters with this group of beings. The ratio of
male/female on each grouping is dependent on lessons and/or experiences one needs to attain for advancement into the higher realms of light.
A twin flame is a being you have worked extremely closely with from the galaxy on down into a third dimensional life form. This was set up long ago and you have kept the same twin flames for eons.
There are seven twin flames you are connected to. Besides the twin ray this will be your closest bond to an entity. Whichever level of light one is at, you will have the ability to reconnect with the
mighty seven. It will assist to further your own enlightenment. These are integrated before reaching the level of the twin ray. Needless to say that many twin flame relationships are of great
remembrance and love to all. They are also both genders. For instance this channel has three female, and four male twin flames. Three twin flames are on earth; four are in the upper dimensions. There
is a special bond between twin flames and you will forever be connected at the heart, as one does not ever forget the special love a twin flame will share. It moves beyond human sexuality and into
the purity of devotion for working together through these cycles. You have been through much and after the twin ray split the first relationship one enters into is with a twin flame. At the level we
split there was not yet time to learn jealousy, we just created and experienced in the love of our source. We knew there would come a time when reunion would once again join our beloved ones heart
forever. I can honestly tell you there are sad memories from this parting of two hearts which all will clear before moving into the divine embrace of a twin ray.
The twin ray is the ultimate. There is no need to look further for source as this is experienced with one another. The joy at this time as we have prepared long for this event is overwhelming even
for the many ascended masters awaiting this reunion. You are the same God spark that came from the loving embrace of mother/father God. It is quite a gift that we are coming into harmony with the one
other half of ourselves. There is much disbelief with this event, and I can only tell you that it is well worth the wait. For those who refuse to accept you only prolong your advancement as many
ascensions are tied into the reunification with the twin ray. After working to reconnect and taking the time every day and night to complete the energy work necessary, your twin ray is then known as
the Consort. Both of your missions are one and the same. The responsibility is held equally by both of you. At this point you have proven yourself worthy of the title as together you have both
conquered the densities to return as one love, one life, one entity.
Each person will have a unique situation and therefore all twin ray couplings will occur differently, as there is closure necessary from many experiences learned by both parties. In addition to
ascending the twin ray merge will take a daily conscious effort. So many of you feel that deep inner knowing, but have not been able to express this as the earth consciousness has not allowed for
divine relationships in a long time. There have been some instances when you have traveled together on earth. Some twin rays of earth partners are on a galactic star, or perhaps your twin ray is a
universal being. The last scenario is the rarest. Also some of you will electromagnetically connect with the perfect mate here already on earth. This would be a soul mate, twin flame, or twin soul.
Some twin rays in the upper dimensions are not ready to reconnect. This comes only by the approval of one's higher self. So many different situations, yet each one is perfect for the individual.
Whichever level you intend to reconnect with, there will be shifts in your life and spirit will not give you what you cannot handle. For instance, if one is happily married on earth you can commit to
a twin ray at an energetic level while working here. This for the time being is perfect. No twin ray will interrupt a harmonious environment. This being only wants the highest and best and is willing
to wait for divine time. There are many classes that will educate on this subject. I would encourage one to take advantage of the gift and learn about this wondrous twin ray information.
There are many masters who have contacted and been in the reconnective process for over a year now. I, being one of these masters. We are learning first hand as this is quite an event and together we
are creating the most effective way to make this happen. Because there has been so much preparation all are ready to move. Finally at this time many are willing to accept the information as truly we
are all as one. To find out more on the subject trust your intuition and meditate about the process. Ask if you are one to make the merging of the dimensions happen with your twin ray. If you have
been feeling emotional and that old familiar energy is around you, this could be your twin ray coming in from the higher realms attempting to contact you. Won't you sit and allow this energy to come
In the Christ light and love,
I AM Sananda
through Lisa/Sereta
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Last modified: 06/04/2004 09:53:20
Jan/15/99, thru Lisa Smith *******************************************(Chapter 13))***finish
This is a website about Heart... a combination of Spiritual and Science... but well beyond either Spiritual or Science. No religious bias is intended or