'Dots' connected for even more subjects. Complex past subjects made easy... by connecting 'Dots' already interconnected on Many of ONE.Webpage updated Jul03/10This webpage is a 'roll of information'... a scroll with "dot connecting" sections. After choosing a subject of interest, simply scroll down to the section number. ContentsSection Brief Description DateIntroduction Read one website 1,3,or 9 times plus one section per subject
0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Introduction:The scientific work preceding Many of ONE, identified, interconnected and reduced thousands of verified facts or 'Dots' into one set of 20 'Dots' that answers all of life's questions, Magic Words webpage. During May 2009, the same scientific approach was used to add 45 to the original 20 'Dots' for a total of 65... To develop the details regarding 2012, Section 34, Scientific Proof of Truth, Home webpage. Drawing from these same 65 interconnecting 'Dots', we very easily get an architectural level understanding of many complex past subjects. Some of these 44 subjects, like astrology, required books and more books to understand. Using 'Dots' (verified facts), books and books are reduced to one book once (this website) plus 44 sections.
1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Addictions:One of the most effective ways to retain low vibrations... more coming.
2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Akashic Records:Records using highly sophisticated off-planet holographic technology to record prior partial/complete configurations of the 'Now'. The granularity of these records goes to the level of 'one experience for one individual'.. More coming
3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Alcohol:One of the best indicators of significant low vibration issues. This does not say drinking in moderation is harmful. It does says that drinking is an indicator of other issues. Drinking alcohol masks vibration lowering issues and/or provides temporary relief... More coming
4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Analog vs. Digital:Analog is continuous thus can be closer to Love#9 than digital. Digital is purely about information and cannot serve as a proxy for Love... More coming
5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ask Yourself Questions:Until the Eighth Chakra (Well of Dreams) fully activates, simply ask yourself... questions... or, ask for results. The answer will become available in the center of your ribcage, at your point of Stillness. Sometimes the answer will be immediate, other times the timing is not proper. Or... the result will magically happen for those using their Daily Compass, Section 23, Home webpage. Eighth Chakra, Section 12, Return Path webpage Time vs. Timing, Section 42 Home webpage Patience, Section 43, Home webpage
6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Astrology:Ancient science of XYZ, Veils, & Distractions/opportunities... The journey and the issues/opportunities along the way... More coming
11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Clock/Watch:'ONE
ness', Love, and vibrations are the first three components of the 20 point "clock/watch"... a "cosmic clock" we never were able to share
during the final 1,000 days of Atlantis. The remaining 17 components of the clock are... 12 Midnight on this clock is like December 21st 2012... Where everything comes together in a way not experienced for 100 billion years. 12 Midnight is less than 1,000 days away.
14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Control:Understanding Creation, Section 27, Home webpage will help to maximize the 'ah ha' available from this Section on 'Control'. Imagine yourself 'surfing'... and trying to control the formation, composition and timing of waves. Now, imagine total success in controlling everything... including... others, situations and outcomes. Every wave would be the same... would that really be any fun? The attempt to control lowers vibrations... and moves us into deeper levels of fear. As the level of vibration rises, the attempt to control goes away. Surfing Love, Section 33, Home webpage Ego, Section 12, Magic Words webpage Distractions, Section 31, Home webpage Fear, Section 23, this webpage Raising Vibrationswebpage
15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Crack Open or Crack Up:During this final one thousand days into Dec21/12, many more of us will have experiences that...
Many answers/solutions will be found with "outside the box" thinking and a deep understanding of karma#15, Section 15, Magic Words webpage. In a way, we are all on a thousand day march through the "eye of a needle". Person by person, we will either "Let go"... crack open... and soar (to higher vibrations). Or, we will try to hold on to what used to work... ignore vibration levels... and crack up. "Cracking open" is another way to say "changing Comfort Zone", Section 24, Home webpage.
19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DNA/RNA:The programming code for a body to automatically build itself... like a computer program. This 2008 article from Northwestern University shows that science is in the early stages of figuring out how to replicate this automatic building/construction process... http://www.northwestern.edu/newscenter/stories/2008/01/dnamirkin.html. The code is transferred from the DNA to the cells by RNA.
20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dreams:Stating the key parts of the dream (like a chair) and then stating what that key part means to you (like my comfort zone). Also, living multidemsionally includes a portion that is much like remembering your dreams... More coming
23 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fear:False Evidence Appearing Real when our vibrations are low enough. Fear has a very low vibration and is capable of hiding/masking Love#9. The last three letters of Fear are ear... the same as the middle three letters of Heart#10. Even fear comes directly from Love... nothing less powerful could mask Love. As levels of vibration rise, fear melts away and Love becomes visible for ALL#4. Love, Section 9, Magic Words webpage All, Section 4, Magic Words webpage Raising Vibrations webpage
24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fibonacci:The most natural sequence of proportions in our Universe. Link to a very comprehensive video explaination follows (3:42 min) http://www.wimp.com/naturenumbers
25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fractals:Same shape, different proportions... More coming
29 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jesus:His mission 2000 years ago, from viewpoint of Original Intent#6. This Symbol joyously shared by Signs and Symbols, Section 0, Home webpage.
This decoding of the ONE HEART has no religious connotations and is not meant to contradict various beliefs stemming from Great Beings such as Buddha, Jesus, and Moses. These four existing levels of the ONE Heart are based upon Original Intent#6... as is the fifth level of the ONE Heart that started to manifest on May 1/2 2010. Symbol and Decoding, Section 0, Heart webpage About 2000 years ago, Jesus walked the earth and laid the foundation for the event that started "From Within" on May 1/2 2010... manifestation of the fifth level of the ONE Heart. "From Within" is what he meant by "Second Coming". This section is closely related to Section 52, L O V E... below within this webpage.
32 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nature:Nature includes earth, air, fire, water, animals, plants and minerals... all interconnected with no separate agenda... "Right is light" or information. "Left is Love" and helping to increase Heart Strength... More coming
33 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Numerology:The essence is... Insertion1, duality2, balance3, presence4, growth5,
Light6, multidimensional7, completion8, Return Path9, Stillness within motion10, mastery11, 'ONE ness'12, ascension13,
35 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Perception:To have the same perception of the same event is almost impossible! To have the same ego#12 based self perception as you would if Heart#10 based is almost impossible! We experience an event from our unique XYZ... and the 'Z' within XYZ... and comfort zone... and set of experiences... and level of Awareness (vibration levels)... and agendas (if any)... and choice to travel the Return Path... and being male or female. XYZ, Section 40, Home webpage Comfort Zone, Section 24, Home webpage experience, Section 5, Magic Words webpage Awareness, Section 16, Magic Words webpage agenda, Section 14 Magic Words webpage choice, Section 13, Magic Words webpage Return Pathwebpage Photon, Section 8, Magic Words webpage These 9 "moving parts" of perception would all have to be in alignment to have the same perception. Asking someone is the only real way to know someone else's perception. Differing Perceptions are one of the keys to understanding and celebrating duality or 'two ness'. As we raise our vibrations, our view of perceptions change from potential confusion and drama to additional mystery and fun. Understanding Creation, Section 27, Home webpage Note: The 9 "moving parts" of perception are all part of life's major choice to ignore or raise vibrations. Either choice is perfect... as all of Creation is perfect... and eventually leads back to Un-conditional Love and 'ONE ness'. The 9 "moving parts" change to one (male/female), after our X-Factor has returned to the 96 to 100% level. Raising Vibrations webpage May18/10: Video (0:59 min) demonstrates how our viewpoint or perception can be the exact opposite from reality. http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn18886-impossible-motion-trick-wins-illusion-contest.html Jun26/10: Perception also varies based on the selected aperture/time frame. Notice how the understanding of The Trinity (Section 44 of this webpage) changes based on time frame. The shorter term view of about 15 Billion years yields Magic Words 1, 2, & 9... while the longer term view of about 17 Sextillion years yields Magic Words 2, 3, & 6. Both are correct for the selected time frame.
37 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rise/Ascension:Apr02/10 Today's piece was summarized by and published on Galactic Channelings http://www.galacticchannelings.com/english/last_cycle.html. The Rise is about raising vibrations. Rise (or Ascension) is the exact opposite to The Fall, Section 19, Home webpage. The remainder of this section shares additional information in conjunction with Galactic Channelings:
41 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The world is your Oyster:The middle three letters of Heart are ear. The middle three letters of Pearl are ear. An oyster first needs an irritant to create a pearl. Low vibrations are the irritant. High vibrations facilitate creation of the pearl... using Love. Raising Vibrations webpage
43 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Trappings of Separation:Much more subtle to understand than The Fall, Distractions and Attention. Sections 19 & 31 Homewebpage Attention, Section 11, Magic Words webpage 33 Examples contained within Points of Being, Section 4, Forms of Being webpage 45 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 44 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Trinity:Magic Words 1, 2, & 9 or Magic Words 2, 3, & 6... depending upon selected time frame. Magic Wordswebpage Notice how the Perception (Section 35 of this webpage) of Trinity changes based on time frame. The shorter term view of about 15 Billion years yields Magic Words 1, 2, & 9... while the longer term view of about 17 Sextillion years yields Magic Words 2, 3, & 6. Both are correct for the selected time frame. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Appendix:The experience cycles within motion#2 are never finished. That's why the background music for Creation/Manifestation (synonyms for motion) is the Unfinished Symphony. The above 44 Sections may or may not be completed. Additional Sections may or may not be added within this appendix.
46 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Roundtable of 'ONE ness':The source for Many of ONE is this metaphoric roundtable where all is Pure Unencumbered Love. The Points of Being at the table are not even wearing one of their many "Light Suits". There are no trappings of separation. The collective experience from about 170
Billion 100 Billion year Cycles (17,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Three levels of experience#5 are contained within one holographic shared mind. The most important point of all is to follow your own Inner Guidance... G U I dance! God You & I dance... where "God" is a synonym for you and I. There is no separation... even from "God". No thing or information from any source is even close to being as important as following your own Inner Guidance... Which starts directly from the Roundtable of 'ONE ness'. Jun 12/10: The six levels of experience#5 ladder are;
Beyond these six levels and beyond all levels of vibration are Pure Unencumbered Love, Perfection, and Potential. We are ALL#4 Pure Uncumbered Love... experiencing within our Perfection and our Potential. "We are THE ONE we have been waiting for"!!! Jul03/10: The 'Z' Ladder is symbolized by the letter 'E' within the word L O V E. Decoded. Section 52, below, this webpage
47 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Harvest of Subtleties:The best part of each 100 Billion Year Cycle is the "Harvest of Subtleties". Why else would we continue the "Dance of Creation"... cycle after cycle after cycle? Subtleties are the 'Sweep Second Hand' of the Cosmic Clock. A free occasional email is described/available within Subtleties, Section 7, Co-creation & Product/Services webpage.
48 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Key is 'Z':The navigation of Love is all about understanding and acting upon 'Z'. Explained another way, 'Z' has two basic variables... viewpoint level and vibration levels. The higher vibration levels offer more subtleties. XYZ, Section 40, Home webpage. The higher vibration levels offer increased levels of Joy in ~surfing Love~. Section 33, Home webpage
49 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Understanding Love:First of two essence points from Many of ONE. Understanding Love#9 required about 150,000 hours of research. Much of this research was highly scientific. On the scale of "Faith to Understanding"... all is explained and shared... 100% Understanding. Benefit of Many Visits, Section 4 Home webpage
50 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Navigating Love:Second of two essence points from Many of ONE. From a 100% Understanding of Love... understanding the navigation of Love required about 1,000 hours of additional research.... about 40 Days. Raising Vibrations webpage
51 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Endless Cosmic Ocean of Life:
Beautiful symbol... Joyously shared by Signs & Symbols... tells the entire story... well into the Base40 Series of Experiences... still far away!
52 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L O V E Decoded:
Jun30/10: This decoding of the ONE HEART has no religious connotations and is not meant to contradict various beliefs stemming from Great Beings such as Buddha, Jesus, and Moses. These four existing levels of the ONE Heart are based upon Original Intent#6... as is the fifth level of the ONE Heart that started to manifest on May 1/2 2010. Symbol and Decoding, Section 0, Heart webpage This section is closely related to Section 29, Jesus... above within this webpage.
53 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE ONE and True You:
There is only ONE Diamond... THE ONE. Each One of us a Unique Aspect... True You. When we raise our vibrations back to all the way up, experience#5 becomes THE ONE and#3 True You. We started as Pure Unencumbered Love... developed Perfection... then Potential. Now we had created Stillness#1. By the gradual process of encumbering Love for the sole purpose of experience#5... then "Fast Forward" for about 17 Sextillion Years, we now have the choice#13 to reconnect to Love#9 and even reconnect directly to Pure Unencumbered Love in the more dense vibrational... "Below the Glass" environments. This work must be accomplished "From Within"... by Raising Vibrations. These choices#13 to reconnect by raising vibrations, lead to experiencing more Joy than ever before possible... Joy beyond Heaven while still on Planet Earth.
54 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Reconnection to Love:The Ascension process for most began June 21st 2010. "We are THE ONE we have been waiting for!!!" We are in GREAT HANDS!!! There is no separation... we are ONE with God. So how do we communicate within our ONE massive SELF? The decoding of this Symbol explains.
Symbol Shows:
An interchangeable name for "Communion with God" is... The four Commentaries made March 7th thru June 21st 2010 are closely related to
this Reconnection to Love Section.
This is a website about Heart... a combination of Spiritual and Science... but well beyond |