What are some other 'Forms of Being' in All of Creation?Provides on/off planet information regarding our massive Creation.Webpage updated May04/10 This webpage is a 'roll of information'... a scroll with "dot connecting" sections. After choosing a subject of interest, simply scroll down to the section number. ContentsSection Brief Description Date
1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Introduction:At first, by simply choosing to treat this webpage as fantasy most of
us are more likely to allow the information This webpage will assist those of you who are in the process of
changing Comfort Zones from egocentric#12 There no such thing as an alien, we are all part of the same massive Creation of about 170 Billion Universes. For many of us, alien is typically used to
describe someone who is from another country. They are 'alien' to us. This webpage expands that same point of view from... different country... to on-planet... to off-planet... to Pure Love.
2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Terrestrials:Using the 'trappings of separation' terminology... types of beings that can be found in our dimension (3D)... on-planet:
3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Extra Terrestrials:Using the 'trappings of separation' terminology... types of beings that can be found outside our dimension ... off-planet:
4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Points of Being:Notice the title is "Points of Being"... not "Points of Beings". "Being" means Being 'in and of' Pure Love. There are no 'trappings of separation'... 33 examples follow:
We/Us are 'in and of' Pure Love... period... full stop! We give names to all the aspects of pure Love. Many of US have chosen to change these names into 'trappings of separation'. We can all to choose to return to the realms of Pure Love by raising vibrations and#3 ~surfing Love~. Raising Vibrations webpage We are ALL Many of ONE... or Points of Being... ALL interconnected 'by and of' Pure Love.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forms of Being webpage top This is a website about Heart... a combination of Spiritual and
Science... but well beyond |