- 5 Solid Spirit
- 4 Solid Heart
- 3 Solid Soul
- 2 Solid Energy
- 1 Solid Root
Using your Spirit is the
“equivalent” to being “5 feet tall”.
Using your Spirit... not the
Root Realm, to perform your PS6 Intent’s is a
Major step Forward. Attention - ‘The Secret’
Using your Spirit may require several
months of “Fake it till you make it”.
Growth of your Spiritual Body happens... from a presence, ‘contained within the ribcage’... to a cone about 50% taller than your Physical Body. At the very tip top of the cone resides your Ego_Strength.
We are ONE QUANTUM Singularity of
Individual Quantums
having trillions of Unique Experiences.
Eventually, we become ‘22 Stage Individual Quantums’
and Choose only
my Unique Portion of the ONE Quantum LOVE for my Individual
Unique Experiences.
We are Many of ONE
Home, 2014
New Content starting 2014
I Am/We Are
Quantum Link
All is ONE
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“Many of ONE” is about
Quantum LOVE... a combination of Spiritual and Science... but well beyond
either Spiritual or Science. No religious bias exists.