is Nature interconnected?
This video about the Reintroduction of Wolves to Yellowstone National Park shows the Nature Portion of the interconnection
among everything within Creation.
Every ‘quantum’ is interconnected throughout the entire Omniverse.
Every ‘quantum’ vibrates at the... Resonance of LOVE.
Explanation... from MinuteEarth.
is ONEness structured?
You already had...
- 15 Quantum Knowing
- 14 Quantum
- 13 Quantum Balance
- 12 Quantum Lite
- 11 Quantum Experience Filaments
- 10 Quantum Consciousness
You needed to develop...
- 6 Solid Inner Knowing
- 5 Solid Spirit
- 4 Solid Heart
- 3 Solid Soul
- 2 Solid Energy
- 1 Solid Root
(Root Realm)
Practice, Practice, PRACTICE!
Can ONEness speak
in One Voice?
All Quantums within ’Quantum Actual’ participate.
Why Pairs?
Seeing the full Potential, first half of PS9, is only possible by Pairs working together.
Understanding the value of Pairs will be helped by this 2 Min. Video demonstrating Laminar Flow.
are Parallel Realities?
There are about 493B Galaxies/Universes.
Some call the 493B ‘Parallel Realities’.
The subject requires active Socratic and Soaring for deep understanding.
A Poem by Danita Lyn.
A Mother’s Love
A Mother’s Love is Special,
It’s deep within the heart,
It’s tender and compassionate,
Her child it won’t depart.
It defends, honors, and strengthens,
Like no other Love on Earth.
You cannot match its Beauty.
Priceless is its worth.
So enchanting is the union,
Of a Mother and child’s embrace,
The Love radiantly glowing,
Upon the Mother’s face.
It’s there from first conception,
It’s something no one else can take.
Its bonds are everlasting,
You know they’ll never break.
No matter what befalls you,
No matter where you are,
A Mother’s Love is always there,
Tucked inside your Heart.
So cherish this special Love you have,
It’s a gift from God above.
He knew so of its Quality,
He gave his Son a Mother’s Love.
Danita Lyn
August 1992
Posted Friday September 19, 2014
A Poem by Bud Pauling.
Hello, Peter! (At later date, ‘Peter of ONE’.)
Bud Pauling here.
So much I could say and ask!
Like you preparing for a show, fishing around for a hook...
I had a great talk with Billie and Jane last week; they called me out of the blue to talk about Soul, and we did.. but soon were talking astrology and poetry and the sweep of H E Network, and they
urged me to go ahead and write.
I've listened to most of the broadcasts. Thought of calling in; lately it became, geez, what should I start with?
Then the show rolls on and I just listen until Morpheus stops by.
One time you were talking about Socratic Reading; as a 'Shamanic' reader at times, I was fascinated...Began taking notes.. which Exploded into Poetry !!
(No small matter with me... in fact I believe real Poetry IS Socratic; the rest is cookie cutter!)
Something about your energy catalyzes my word tools, summons the Muse.
Considered attaching a poem (You will be one, not of Many, but of Few Indeed, who not only has an inkling, but can Grok a poem, emanations and all) but what_the_hell, this one arrived when I was
wondering which one to send...All Righty, Then!
I Try to Write You and This is What Happens
(Getting Into Many-of-One ..or, is that Reversed?)
From an initial Uh Oh, methinks there’s so much here,
I will need to give this more than a little time.
But couldn’t find the several days
I sensed were calling—
I came back a couple times.
Then tried to follow your suggestions
On Getting Started…
Of course I could not resist the Links!-
And down the Rabbit Hole I went!
So ‘Zen Like’ I followed impulse,
As I follow Muses on Arrival,
And latterly,
Seek the perfect Batting Average
When in the Zone of Inner Knowing.
Hitting major-league pitching
Is the Hardest sport—
One millimeter off-center,
One partial valence misaligned
In curve of bat-stroke:
It pounds into the dirt,
Pops up
Instead of over-the-fence.
Take your seat,
Don’t stew,
Just re-center
The Ego
Has so many pitches—
No wonder it takes thousands of lifetimes
To even hit your weight!
Ten Thousand Swings
To factor in and master
Shifting your shoulder
Down a fraction?
Kidding, right!?!
..Better make that
Another Poem by Bud Pauling.
November 15, 2014... M&G at Harry’s.
“All Queue’d Up???
You say Done...
I seek my Sum...
No see RV...
Who is blocking Me?
Seeing Clearer?
Check your mirror...
The Irony?
Think Dri_agon_ally!
Want Wampum???
Stop Stomping!!!
Go Quantum!!!
another Poem by Bud Pauling.
Posted August 8, 2015... 8/8/8 Lions Gate.
To Set Things Right
To set things right,
Fill your Soul with Lite;
Each slightest change in valence,
Tunes toward Growing Perfect Balance.
What comes to Manifest—
The Moment’s Balanced Best
A Poem by Tim Pledger.
Pure Mature LOVE is possible as of PS22.
“When Pure LOVE is Mature, it's a heavenly song.
It makes the soul freely dance, and the heart sing along.
It allows us to see what was hidden before.
When Pure LOVE is Mature, we lift our wings and we soar.”
A Poem by Scott Powers.
The Sea of NEWS is churning
The Tides, they are turning
Heart Fires are a Burning
Our Souls, they are yearning
Our Quantum Nature we are learning.
The winds of change are a Blowing
The Blizzard of deception is slowing
Our Numbers, they are growing
with embers all a glowing.
The River of Truth is strongly flowing
The seeds of LOVE we have been sowing,
The old paradigm is indeed, Going.
And ALL Of This, I Am KNOWING.
has Population evolved?
Charting Culture
1000 Years
We are ONE QUANTUM Singularity of
Individual Quantums
having trillions of Unique Experiences.
Eventually, we become ‘22 Stage Individual Quantums’
and Choose only
my Unique Portion of the ONE Quantum LOVE for my Individual
Unique Experiences.
We are Many of ONE
Home, 2014
New Content starting 2014
I Am/We Are
Quantum Link
All is ONE
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“Many of ONE” is about
Quantum LOVE... a combination of Spiritual and Science... but well beyond
either Spiritual or Science. No religious bias exists.