What is the difference between
Twin Flames and Soul Mates?
Personality balance, peace, & harmony versus personality growth.
is common between Twin Flames and
Soul Mates?
Great LOVE for your experience partner... although this great LOVE may not be
about all Soul Mates?
Personality growth for the two two partners.
about our time spent with each?
For partner growth we’ll choose a primary Soul Mate.
For partner balance, peace, & harmony we’ll choose a Twin
We are ONE QUANTUM Singularity of
Individual Quantums
having trillions of Unique Experiences.
Eventually, we become ‘22 Stage Individual Quantums’
and Choose only
my Unique Portion of the ONE Quantum LOVE for my Individual
Unique Experiences.
We are Many of ONE
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I Am/We Are
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All is ONE
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“Many of ONE” is about
Quantum LOVE... a combination of Spiritual and Science... but well beyond
either Spiritual or Science. No religious bias exists.